A military plane crashed into a residential building in Irkutsk – at least two were killed

A military plane crashed into a residential building in Irkutsk

The military plane crash that happened in southern Siberia on Sunday is already the second plane crash that happened in Russia this week.

A military plane has crashed into a residential building in Irkutsk, located in southern Siberia, Russia.

The local governor will tell you about it Igor Kobzev In Telegram (you switch to another service) according to the Russian news agency Tassi.

According to the Interfax news agency, the plane’s two pilots died. Kobzev says on social media that the accident did not cause damage to bystanders.

According to Kobvzev, the Su-30 model military plane, which was on a test flight, crashed into a two-story wooden house. As a result of the collision, a fire broke out, which spread to at least two buildings.

According to the rescue authorities, the plane crashed into an apartment building located on a construction site on the outskirts of the city.

The Russian Investigative Committee has launched a criminal investigation into the events.

A similar accident happened in Russia on Monday, when a Su-34 fighter-bomber crashed into an apartment building in the city of Jeski in southern Russia.

As a result of the accident, 13 people died and 19 were injured.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Monday’s crash was caused by a faulty engine that caught fire during takeoff.

Sources: AFP, Reuters
