YouTube Design Has Been Changed Again! – Cepholic

YouTube Design Has Been Changed Again Cepholic

YouTube, the most popular video watching platform today, decided to change the design on the right side of the video screen.

Youtube, which went to a great increase in Premium subscription prices the other day, announced that it will make changes in the home page design with the statement it made today. Especially after the recent attacks of rival companies, YouTube focused on the idea of ​​​​bringing a few new features.

Although YouTube, which has been running alone in this market for a long time, has changed its market strategies with the growth of TikTok. TikTok has gained a large user base, especially with the pandemic. As such, other companies decided to spruce up themselves.

The feature that made TikTok stand out from the others was short videos. Since YouTube knew about this situation, they changed the design of the Shorts section. Now, Shorts videos will appear in the viewing suggestions section that appears on the side while watching the video.

This feature, which is currently under development, is not frequently encountered by every user. However, it looks like YouTube will create a special section for Shorts videos on the right in the coming days. In addition, Shorts continues its advertising efforts to generate income for content producers in their videos.

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