The FS Group hosts the UIC day: a day of debates, ideas and comparisons on the future of international rail transport

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(Finance) – It opened with an intervention by Luigi FerrarisCEO of the FS Group, theUIC day organized today at Villa Patrizi by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer), an international institution that brings together the main players and stakeholders in the railway sector.

In his opening speechas reported by FS News, Ferraris underlined the importance of cooperation and of sharing of know-how, experiences and technologies as crucial elements to look with optimism at the future of transport and to seize the opportunities that the current complex context brings with it, to enter with confidence in a new era of mobility. A “new time”, the beginning of a new phase after the pandemic, which foresees significant over the next 10-15 years investments at a European level by the FS Group both in infrastructure and in the development and implementation of new technological solutions.

Among those present, the Regional Director of UIC François Davenne and his team: Christian Chavanel (Director of the Rail System), Lucie Anderton (Head of Sustainability), Simon Fletcher (Director of Europe and Head of Standardization), Sandra Gehenot (Director of Freight), Marc Guigon (Director of Passengers). On the stage of the speakers there were also representatives of the FS Group management, including Roberto Tundo, Chief Technology, Innovation & Digital Officer and the Chief Strategy Officer of the Fabrizio Favara Group.

Among the topics addressed during the day, the promotion of rail transport globally, current and future challenges related to mobility and sustainable development; sharing best practices to improve technical and environmental performance; the development of all forms of international cooperation. In this context, UIC plays the role of reliable and strategic partneras possessor of the necessary know-how in the field of digital integration and of a precious system vision on projects, research and standardization, to which the FS Group has been contributing for some time.

To complete the debate day, five working groups, each dedicated to a specific theme: research and innovation, sustainable mobility, challenges and opportunities deriving from the circular economy, standardization and development of the freight sector. The UIC, which this year celebrated its centenary of activity, is made up of more than 200 members from 100 countries representing together 1 million kilometers of lines.
