Flu and Covid-19: is it risky to receive two vaccines at the same time?

Flu and Covid 19 is it risky to receive two vaccines

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Medical validation:
    October 22, 2022

    Many French people are eligible for double vaccination against influenza and Covid-19. But is it risk free? Update with Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.

    The national flu vaccination campaign began on Tuesday. A way for the government to protect the most fragile French people … That is to say all those who are already invited to be vaccinated against Covid. But is there no risk in receiving a double injection, against Covid-19 and against the flu?

    Double vaccination: only one in two people at risk consider it

    According to the vaccination-info-service.fr website, several scientific studies have shown that “the administration of several vaccines at the same time (co-administered vaccines) is absolutely not dangerous for the immune system and does not compromise the effectiveness of the vaccines.”

    But some French people do not agree: according to a survey by Public Health France, published earlier this month, only one in two people at risk plans to receive the two vaccines simultaneously. And for good reason: some fear the occurrence of adverse effects (fever, pain, redness, fatigue, etc.).

    Fears shared with some doctors.

    I’m too afraid that my most fragile patients will go through hell after a flu / Covid-19 co-vaccination“, testifies a Toulouse general practitioner to La Dépêche du Midi.

    Dr. Kierzek, for his part, wants to be reassuring.

    “IIt has never been proven that a co-vaccination increases the side effects, which are, by the way, minor. Children who receive 3 vaccines at the same time are proof of this: they generally tolerate it very well. Receiving a double injection is therefore no more risky. The authorities are even considering the marketing of a combined vaccine – mixing flu and Covid.”

    Double vaccination: who is concerned?

    These are people over 65 (over 60 for the anti-Covid vaccine), people suffering from severe obesity (BMI over 40), pregnant women or immunocompromised patients or patients with certain chronic diseases (diabetes, Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, lupus, chronic venous insufficiency, etc.).

    Covid reminder: precise injection methods

    For the population targeted by a new anti-covid reminder, the Haute Autorité de Santé recalled the injection methods.

    • The booster dose must be administered: From 3 months after the last injection or infection for people aged 80 and over, as well as for residents of nursing homes and USLDs and severely immunocompromised people, whatever their age;
    • From 6 months after the last injection for all other eligible persons. In the event of recent infection with SARS-Cov2, the booster is recommended from 3 months after the infection, respecting a minimum period of 6 months after the last injection. The booster should preferably be carried out with an appropriate vaccine, regardless of the vaccine(s) previously used.
    • For people under 30, it is recommended to use the Pfizer adapted vaccine.
