Fuel shortage: the list of fuels available near you!

Fuel shortage the list of fuels available near you

PETROL SHORTAGE CARD. Gasoline is still sorely lacking in some regions on the eve of the All Saints school holidays. Our search engine, based on official data, allows you to find the latest up-to-date information in the resort…

[Mis à jour le 21 octobre 2022 à 17h24] Are we really heading towards serene All Saints school holidays for motorists? In any case, the situation seems to be getting better at gas stations in France. The government assured Friday that “the service stations on the highways and the busiest national roads within the framework of departures on vacation will be served as a priority”, even calling on the army via military tank trucks to ensure a good supply “in the most tense areas”.

Yesterday, the situation in the service stations seemed to improve with 16.9% of the stations in difficulty of supply for a fuel, against 21.9% the day before. With the lifting of the strike on Wednesday in three refineries and fuel depots of TotalEnergies (Donges, Dunkirk and La Mède, while Gonfreville-l’Orcher and Feyzin remain blocked), the situation should improve further in the days to come. The refineries of the Esso-ExxonMobil group have also resumed normal operation. But the shortage of fuel still seems to be a reality in a large part of the country, in Ile-de-France and in Hauts-de-France in particular, with strong disparities. New regions are even more severely affected, with 29% of stations in shortage in Burgundy-France-Comté and 25% in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes against 4.5% in Brittany for example or 16% in the PACA region.

The best information on the gasoline shortage comes from the government which identifies, via the services of the Ministry of Transition and the Ministry of the Economy, the maximum of data available in petrol stations. However, national figures, like station-by-station data, should be taken with caution, as they depend on the goodwill of service station operators.

We have set up a search engine to find the list of fuels available in the stations of a department and/or a city. Only the places where the station managers have indicated the gasoline available and its price are displayed. The information is classified by date and time of update (“MAD”), to maximize your chances of finding fuel:

This search engine is based on the “instant flow” of fuel prices in France, provided by the Ministry of the Economy and available on the official website: https://www.fuel-prices.gouv.fr/. It is up to the point of sale concerned to declare its available fuels and its prices, as well as the dates and times of updates to the ministry.

The Ministry of the Economy also provides a map and a search engine. To facilitate your search, first fill in your region, your department or directly your municipality to display the stations near you.

This search engine and this map are made from the “instant flow” of fuel prices in France, provided by the Ministry of the Economy and available on the official website: https://www.fuel-prices.gouv.fr/. This operation generates some limits, the first being that of the absence of recent updates in many stations. Some prices or availability have not been entered for several days. Here is the manual anyway:

  • By zooming in and then clicking on a point on the map, you can display all the information about the station and scroll through the prices of each fuel with arrows.
  • Out-of-stock fuels are either explicitly mentioned on the map, or absent from the stations
  • It is up to the point of sale concerned to declare its station and its prices to the Ministry. Some groups, such as Total, also provide data that is sometimes more detailed.

You will find above a list published based on feedback from users of the app and the Mon Essence.fr website. Ile-de-France saw its stocks quickly empty after the start of strike movements in Normandy, on fuel depots which massively supply the Paris agglomeration.

A map published based on feedback from users of the Mon Essence.fr app and site and centered on Marseille is available above. The Marseille conurbation was one of the first to be affected by the petrol shortage at the beginning of October and the situation remains difficult with a still limited supply to petrol stations. The end of the movement on the Fos-sur-Mer site should make it possible to fix the situation in the coming days.

A map published based on feedback from users of the Mon Essence.fr app and website and centered on Lyon is available above. The Lyon conurbation is not one of the most affected regions, but several stations are still reported to be in a situation of shortage of one or more fuels.
