why new demonstrations? Which sectors concerned?

why new demonstrations Which sectors concerned

STRIKE. The CGT has launched a new strike call on October 27, 2022. Sectors concerned, demands, disrupted transport… We take stock of what awaits you next week.

Friday October 21, 2022, the CGT calls for a new day of strike and national and interprofessional demonstration on October 27. This was announced by its confederal secretary, Céline Verzeletti. The union leader assures her: “We don’t want to let go.” According to her, the CGT is “in line with the expectations of employees”. Fabien Roussel called on his camp to follow the strike movement launched by the CGT. “We will continue this arm wrestling, this fight, until the government agrees to ensure that all salaries evolve at the same level as inflation”, thus defended the secretary general of the French Communist Party to the antenna of BFM TV, this Friday.

Thus, this new call to strike should, unsurprisingly, take up the demands of the previous mobilization, namely: to demand an increase in the Smic, an indexation of all salaries to inflation and a revaluation of the index point of civil servants . Trade unionists hope to bring together more people during this new mobilization. On Tuesday October 18, 300,000 people had beaten the pavement (107,000 according to the Ministry of the Interior). Céline Verzeletti underlines that “there is a dynamic”. She is pleased that different sectors, the oil sector, nuclear and public transport, have followed the latest movement.

Although the movement in the refineries is drying up, after the signing of a wage agreement at TotalEnergies, Céline Verzeletti ensures that the strike “is gaining momentum at the energy level”. According to her, if the strike is particularly followed, Solidaire and the FSU could join the movement during the next strike day, on November 10th.
