the government draws a new 49.3 for the Social Security budget

the government draws a new 493 for the Social Security

The Prime Minister unsheathed Thursday evening her second 49.3 in the space of 24 hours, allowing her to pass a text without a vote of the deputies. After the State budget, this new 49.3 will apply to part of the Social Security budget. A new passage in force of the government, at the end of a stormy meeting Thursday afternoon where the oppositions and the majority rejected the fault of the failure of the discussions.

From the first article, the government is put in check. The Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal accuses the opposition of wanting to block the text: “ You have chosen to reject an article which is only the presentation of the accounts of what happened in 2021. This illustrates your posture which is to be against everything, all the time. »

The tension goes down a notch then the executive is again put in difficulty on the financing of city medicine. Reminders of the rules follow one another and the session is suspended. And the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, reenters the hemicycle: “ We cannot take the risk of a new rejection or a new distorted text. »

Read also : the 49-3 season officially open in France

New motion of censure on the side of Nupes

49.3 is triggered for the second time in just 24 hours. Nupes elected officials accuse the majority of seeking to sabotage its own text. The rebellious Mathilde Panot announces the filing of a new motion of censure: ” That the macronie does not get used to governing France with a blow of 49.3. The passage in force to everything goes as if they were still three hundred deputies as in the previous term, that no longer exists. »

This time around, the RN is expected to refrain from filing its own motion. ” We don’t see the point of making two motions in a row… I think one is enough “, Estimates the deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy.

All of the motions tabled since Thursday will be examined on Monday 24 October in the afternoon. In the meantime, the debates are suspended in the Assembly.

To listen: Laure Lavalette (RN): “What raises questions is not the 49-3, it’s the method”

49.3, the best known article of the Constitution

49.3 refers to article 49 paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, which allows the ” Prime Minister, after deliberation by the Council of Ministers “to engage” the responsibility of the government before the National Assembly on the vote of a bill of finance or financing of social security “. The Prime Minister can also use this mechanism for another bill, but only once per parliamentary session, which limits its use. The project is then considered adopted, “ unless a motion of censure, tabled within the following twenty-four hours, is voted under the conditions provided for in the preceding paragraph “.

By drawing 49.3, the government risks a motion of censure: the deputies must table it within 24 hours, signed by 58 of them. The text is then discussed in session within 48 hours. If the motion of censure fails to obtain an absolute majority, set at 289 votes, the government text is adopted without a vote. If the motion of censure is adopted, it leads to the resignation of the Prime Minister and his government. More than 100 motions of censure have been tabled since 1958, recalls Agence France presse, but only one succeeded, in 1962, bringing down the government of Georges Pompidou.
