We played! God of War Ragnarok first look

We played God of War Ragnarok first look

In our God of War Ragnarok first look content, we touch on the first minutes and some of the dynamics of the game that we had the chance to play.

God of War Ragnarok is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated productions of this year. The game, which will be released on November 9, has reached us recently. Although we have to wait a little longer for the review embargo, Sony has been waiting for this game, which it sent quite early. God of War Ragnarok first look content is also allowed.

Although we have played the game for hours, we will convey to you what is presented in the first few hours of this content within the rules of the embargo, and we will probably clear many question marks in your mind. Now let’s shake a spoon to taste this delicious dish before review.

God of War Ragnarok first look

As you know, God of War, which came out in 2018, showed us a very different side of a character who ruthlessly chops anything in front of him. although we were dragged into a great adventure, the father-son relationship was always at the center of the story. The game, which handles this wonderfully, has taken on a structure that is similar but adds different flavors as Atreus grows.

The game, which was released in 2018, presented us how a production should change in every sense. God of Ragnarok does not spoil this change much, so the game basically has similar dynamics. However, some innovations have been built on this structure with both story expansion and new dynamics.

God of War Ragnarok first look

Players who expect a very radical change in terms of gameplay, as in the previous game, may be a little disappointed. In other words, when you start playing God of War Ragnarok, you will encounter a very familiar structure, especially if you have just played the PC version of the first game. Of course, this does not mean that the gameplay is bad, it has been developed with added innovations, especially with some dynamics, it has taken on a much more fun structure. However, the structure in the game released in 2018 was naturally used in the framework of the work.

On the story side, of course, the events continue from where they left off, as described in the first game. Atreus has grown even more, as you can see in the God of War Ragnarok trailers. This growth contributes significantly to the game, especially to the character emotions. The change in Kratos makes itself felt with clearer lines in this game.

We played!  God of War Ragnarok preview

We can see more clearly how the bonds built on the father-son relationship with Atreus develop in this game. Kratos is proud of his son’s growth, but at the same time he is not comfortable enough to let go of his poise. His face still sells pickles, of course, in that part we find the tone we expect from the character more than enough.

Already in the first few hours of the game, which we will talk about in this article, we can say that it is based on how far the character development has progressed. The up and down relationship we saw in the first game continues in this game as well, but the ties have become much stronger. Of course, from time to time, we can see that both characters put the work on the ball. As you know, this is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game, and this makes you wonder about what will happen in the future.

God of War Ragnarok preview

As I said in the fighting part, there is no radical change. While dividing the enemies with your axe, you continue to attack more agile and faster with the Chaos Swords. Having both weapons from the very beginning of the game continued that richness in the second half of the first game. Along with Atreus, Kratos fights more harmoniously against his opponents. In addition, this time the interaction with the environment is a little more involved. Even though Atreus’ main weapon is a bow and arrow, he doesn’t miss out on melee combat. It can finish off the enemies you weaken or stun with a knife.

More details emerge with the character development of course in the combat system. The number of special hits has been increased, except for the Runic attacks, which we are familiar with from the first game. The triangle key, which we call our axe, is used more effectively in the fighting system in this game. Of course, we call the ax with this key again, but we also use it in different combinations in special attacks. For example, when you hold down on the Chaos Blades, Kratos shakes the blades like a rosary and can cause the tip to catch fire.

We played God of War Ragnarok

Of course, the main reason we do this is to take advantage of elemental damage. So when you dive into an icy enemy like this, you do more damage. or likewise, when you use this ability on your axe, you freeze the tip and make your opponents freeze. Likewise, when you quickly switch to frozen opponents and dive with Chaos Blades, your damage naturally increases. In addition, the combat system is a little more enriched with added platform and environmental effects. In other words, you can jump on your opponent’s head from a ledge above, or you can hit a log, a rock on the battlefield, on your opponent’s head.

The combo system is actually at the center of this fighting event again. Although it may seem like hitting a single button, it is possible to say that the game is more challenging when you play it this way. When you start making combos and balancing the transition between weapons as in the first game, you both enjoy the combat system more and you can pass even tough opponents very easily. Of course, let’s not forget the dodge dynamic and shield counter attacks.

This time, skill points are split in two for Kratos and Atreus. As such, it becomes easier to distribute points in the skill tree in the game. As you unlock the abilities here, the game makes you feel that both characters are more effective in the fighting field. Again, as in the first game, armor changes and updates have also remained in place, apart from character equipment.

We played!  God of War Ragnarok first look

These are the details we can transfer for now for God of War Ragnarok. The game again does a great job in storytelling and continues its success on the cinematic side with the use of a single camera. Gameplay and general dynamics are built on the skeleton of the first game by adding some extras. I can say that those who have different expectations may be upset with my experience in the first few hours, but it will satisfy the game lovers who play God of War with great pleasure.

The game’s review embargo will end on November 3. As of this date, we will deal with the game in a wider way and we will give you the necessary information about the visual details.
