Halloween 2022 outings: escape game, monster hunt, night visits…

Halloween 2022 outings escape game monster hunt night visits

At the end of October, monsters, vampires and ghosts will invade the streets for Halloween. But the party starts long before, with plenty of family outings from the beginning of October. The opportunity or never to have great chills … Here is the program!

[Mise à jour du 19 octobre à 16h13] Halloween is one of children’s favorite holidays. From its history to its decor, through its practices, everything lends itself to entertaining children on October 31st. If Halloween takes place on a single evening in the year, in practice, children can enjoy the horror-friendly atmosphere from the beginning of the month. Many festivities and activities boosted with adrenaline are concocted for them… Here is the program of all the outings to do for Halloween to laugh and tremble with the family!

A night of horror at the Molitor

A famous place of Parisian culture, Molitor is relaunching its night of horror on Monday, October 31, on the occasion of Halloween. In one of its reception rooms, redecorated and set up as a horror cinema, a program of films that will make young and old shiver will be shown. At 5:15 p.m., the youngest will be able to discover Dark Shadows by Tim Burton. And who says film, says popcorn. Sweets and drinks will also be offered before and during the film. Information on www.molitorparis.com/fr

A mysterious forest

From October 22 to November 6, the 7th edition of the Autumn Festival takes place at Terra Botanica in Angers. Among the dozens of activities and attractions revisited for the occasion, “A mysterious Halloween forest. Fairies, elves, animals, but also witches and vampires, will be there to give visitors a magical experience. Among the other activities , we will also find “Le Petit Train de l’Automne”, a magic show entitled “L’ateliermagique” specially created with its references to Halloween or even the film “Dracula” in 4D cinema and the traditional “Cucurbithèque”. All the major attractions of the park will also be revisited.Within the twenty hectares of the site, visitors will also have the opportunity to walk and admire the different autumnal colors and the vegetable garden which will again have some nice surprises in store this year. . Information on www.terrabotanica.fr.

© Terra Botanica

A monster hunt in Bercy Village

Ten little monsters have hidden on the windows of shops and restaurants in Bercy Village in the 12th arrondissement of the capital. On October 31, from noon to 5 p.m., parents and children will have to find them and indicate their locations on a digital game specially designed for the occasion. As a reward, delicious treats. On the same day, Garden Pumpkins will wander for 30 minutes on 3 occasions between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the aisles and professional make-up artists installed next to the Fragonard boutique will offer children to transform them into magical or terrifying characters. Information on www.bercyvillage.com

Halloween © Bercy Village

A spooky cruise on the Seine

Vedettes de Paris offers families a Halloween-themed family cruise on the Seine. From October 29 to November 1, children and their parents will be able to board their boats in the company of one of our tour guides specializing in young audiences and set off to discover a scary Paris! Information on www.vedettesdeparis.fr

A riddle to solve at the Bovetti Chocolate Museum

On October 31, at the Bovetti chocolate museum in the Dordogne, children will have to discover where the chocolatier is locked up, otherwise creation delicious and scary Bovetti chocolates cannot take place. They won’t have to be distracted by wandering shadows or sudden terrifying apparitions, and the youngest will have to find the key that the director misplaced. For this, they can count on the help of Alfred the ghost, Jules the night watchman and other unexpected and intriguing characters! The museum also organizes a special Halloween drawing competition during the All Saints holidays. Reservations on 05 53 51 81 53. Information on www.bovetti.com.

A witch hunt at the Potager des Princes

From October 22 to November 6, 2022, the Potager des Princes is transformed to celebrate Halloween. In this 3-hectare green setting located in the heart of Chantilly, families can discover giant pumpkins and terrifying spiders and try to discover a horrible witch.
It is by answering various puzzles that they will discover its hiding place! Appetizing delicacies will reward the bravest. In addition to the witch hunt, the famous vegetable garden activities will be offered every day:
rabbit race, chicken race and demonstration of our shepherd dog Fuego. Until October 31, €1 of the entrance ticket will be donated to the Ruban Rose association dedicated to the fight against breast cancer. Information on www.potagerdesprinces.com.

A nocturnal guided tour of the Château de Chantilly

Friday 21, Saturday 22, Thursday 27, Friday 28, Saturday
29 and Monday 31 October, visitors will be able to discover the mysteries and legends of the Château de Chantilly on the occasion of Halloween nights, in the form of a nighttime guided tour by torchlight. A unique visit route has been designed through the most beautiful rooms of the castle, in chiaroscuro. They will only have a flashlight to light up and a few surprises will await them! Information and reservations on www.billetterie.chateaudechantilly.fr.

Halloween nights © Château de Chantilly

Purgatory: an infernal labyrinth

Thanks to the Purgatory experience offered by Dark Dreams to Paris and to Marseilles from September 17 to November 27, families with children over 9 years old will be able to get lost in 1200 m2 of maze in complete darkness punctuated by moments behind closed doors where they will be put to the test. Locked in the maze, six creatures will indeed be ready to test them and confront them with their sins that they thought were kept secret..Information and reservations on www.thedarkdreams.com.

Purgatory © Dark Dreams

A thrilling day at the Paris Zoological Park

This fall, the Paris Zoological Park is ending its sensory journey during the Rendez-vous Sauvage d’automne, organized from September 23 to November 6, 2022. On the program in particular a thrilling day for children on October 31st. Throughout the day, they can celebrate Halloween and shiver in the paths of the park. Thanks to the Zizanie company, fantastic creatures will invade the park: dragons, fauns, witches and giant insects will challenge the senses of children who will have to thwart their traps. At 4 p.m., the parade of monsters will close this special “thrills” day! Information on www.parczoologiquedeparis.fr

© Paris Zoological Park

A scary trail

Do you want to escape vampires, witches or even zombies? Here is finally a good reason to run! For the first time, on Saturday October 29 with friends or family, everyone will experience an incredible evening under the sign of fear on the haunted island of Jablines-Annet Leisure in Seine-et-Marne. By running or walking, everyone will cover the 3, 7 or 11 km at night dotted with creatures of all kinds. This trail specially created for Halloween, is an untimed nocturnal course during which participants will evolve in paranormal universes. Nocturnal and evil creatures will be there to entertain their visitors. This race can be done with the family and will be accessible from the age of 10. Information on www.letraildelapeur.com.

© Trail of Fear

A daunting visit

Proposed on October 31 at 4:30 p.m., Horribilis is an organized visit as night falls on the 1st arrondissement of Paris… People who walk without a head, mysterious red man, vampires, white ladies, prisoners, tortures and tortures but also witches, pyres and devil: visitors, young and old, will listen with happiness and anguish to terrifying, earthy, gently horrible little stories. .. but true for the most part! This visit is suitable for children from 7 years old and they are strongly encouraged to come in costume! Reservations and information about ludoetsophie.com

Visit Horribilis © Ludo and Sophie

A rock concert

Group made up of musicians who are both funny and educational, Les Zelectrons Frits offer their traditional Bal Rock Concert on October 31 at 2:30 p.m. at the Petit Bain in the 3rd arrondissement of the capital. On the program, rock, swing, punk and calypso but also a ball to dance and party! Invited to come in disguise, the children can then meet the musicians of the group. Information on www.leszelectronsfrits.com.

Unforgettable Halloween © Fried Zelectrons

An escape game on Dracula

Who says Halloween also says vampires. And that’s good, it’s the quest forescape game Dracula offered at Hint Hunt in the heart of Paris. Descendant of the famous line of vampire hunters, Victor Van Helsing needs a motivated and courageous team for a last saving fight. After months of tracking, he has managed to obtain crucial information on the final resting place of the famous Count Dracula and arranges to meet the boldest to help him carry out his mission. An escape game suitable for families with children over 12 years old. The youngest will be more tempted by The Office of James Murdock! Information on www.hinthunt.fr.

Escape game Dracula © HintHunt

A school of wizards at the National Sheepfold

A school of wizards sets up during the All Saints holidays at the Bergerie Nationale farm. Children will be able to explore the four wizarding houses, Onglondor, Sabotard, Serredecoq or Verredelait, to play and learn through numerous agri-enchanted activities. They will have to solve the puzzles of the different houses and will be rewarded by the director if they succeed. They will also be able to stroll around the farm, meet the animals. and visit the labyrinth of horrors to identify the scary little beasts! Information on www.bergerie-nationale.educagri.fr.

A pumpkin workshop

Located in Yvelines, the Viltain farm awaits children during the All Saints school holidays, every weekday from Monday 24 to Saturday 29 October for pumpkin carving workshops. After having been received at the reception in the space dedicated by the animators, the children will be able to choose their pumpkin, carve it according to their desires or the theme and will of course leave with their creation. They can then take pictures in front of their work! Reservations and information about this link.

Pumpkin workshop © Viltain Farm

A show about a haunted house

Proposed by the Box to Laugh, the house of funk is a show which highlights a little boy and his dad who find themselves stuck in the house of funk, and who engage in a race against time and against the monsters. Helped by the children of the public, the two heroes will have to manage to get out of this haunted house and free themselves from the claws of the awful Jessica Trouille! A fun show for big cowards and brave little ones from 5 to 10 years old! Information on www.laboitearirevendee.fr.
