Violence against children: new awareness campaign on help numbers

Violence against children new awareness campaign on help numbers

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    To fight against violence against children, the government is launching a national campaign to promote help numbers accessible to all: victims, witnesses, children, adults…

    Each year in France, it is estimated that one child in five dies in an intra-family context every five days, that 160,000 children are victims of sexual violence each year, that one child in ten is the victim of school bullying and that one child in five has been bullied online.

    Faced with these dizzying figures, Charlotte Caubel, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of Children, in conjunction with Pap Ndiaye, Minister of National Education and Youth, is launching an awareness campaign help numbers.

    Help numbers exist

    To free the voice of these victims, help numbers exist but they are not always well known. This is why the government is launching a campaign to promote these three numbers: 119, 3018 and 3020.

    • 119 is a national number dedicated to the prevention and protection of children in danger or at risk of being so;
    • 3018 is a number dedicated to child victims of cyberbullying
    • And finally, 3020 is a number dedicated to children who are victims of school bullying.

    Numbers usable by all

    This campaign recalls the role of these numbers but also that anyone can use them, victims as witnesses, children as adults, whether it is an attack, harassment, or violence, both physical and psychological. or sexual.

    It will be relayed within schools (primary schools, colleges and high schools) by paper posters but also online, in digital workspaces.

    Raise awareness among as many people as possible

    Finally, to reach as many young people as possible, this campaign will be available in testimonials on the social networks TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram, for three weeks.

    Produced in collaboration with the Konbini media, these children’s testimonies will report situations of school bullying or cyber-bullying, but also the role of a listener to the 119 telephone platform intended for child victims or witnesses of abuse.

    For the government, the objective is twofold:inform children and those around them of the existence of numbers for all types of violence, but also to remind child victims or witnesses of violence of the importance of talking to an adult“.
