Soon a tool to find the perfect shade of foundation for your complexion

Soon a tool to find the perfect shade of foundation

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    Finding the ideal shade of foundation is a real headache for many consumers, especially if they are fans of online shopping. While virtual fitting technologies are developing at breakneck speed in beauty to help Internet users, a beautytech start-up is going even further by offering a personalized advice tool to find the perfect shade of foundation in a few seconds. clicks only.

    The studies are unanimous: personalization is at the center of the attention of consumers who expect advice from brands, but also new tools allowing them to find the product that best suits their expectations, their morphology, their complexion, or even their hair texture whether in store or online. Something made possible today thanks to technology, as demonstrated by the many personalized consulting solutions unveiled last June as part of VivaTech.

    The L’Oréal group presented solutions for finding the perfect perfume with “Scent-Sation” from its Yves Saint Laurent Beauté brand, or for carrying out personalized skin diagnoses, in store or at home, with Skin Screen and E-youth. Finder by Lancôme, just like Sephora with its Skin Diagnostic. The brand also already mentioned a new complexion matching tool based on an “impartial algorithm” based on a data set of more than 10,000 skin tones. A solution that brands seem to want to pull out of at the time of the online shopping boom, to avoid losing sales for lack of being able to have products tested – or at least, assure consumers that they have done the right thing choice.

    This is what the beautytech start-up Cosmecode offers with a tailor-made tool that allows you to find the ideal shade of foundation in just a few clicks. Intended for brands and distributors, it is based on deep learning and a specific algorithm, while taking into account the impact of light, to offer a fully personalized solution. Something made possible by the fact that the tool is based on thousands of shades of foundation, with the particularity, and not the least, of being able to find the ideal shade according to a wide range of references, all brands combined. .

    Cosmecode is the startup that digitizes the most powerful conversion tool in the beauty industry: personalized advice. Our first feature allows you to determine your ideal foundation shade in any brand and in two clicks, thanks to computer vision, deep learning and algorithmic modeling of your skin tone“, can we read on the official website of the company.

    There is no doubt that this tool, essential in stores and online, should quickly impose itself on many brands and retailers, and, why not, open up to other types of beauty products, including concealers, even , to a lesser extent, eye shadows and lipsticks.
