Rebecka Fallenkvist gets a new job at SD after the Anne Frank attack

Rebecka Fallenkvist gets a new job at SD after the
Source: “Enormously bad mood among Jewish representatives”

Published: Just now

The SD profile Rebecka Fallenkvist was removed from service after calling Anne Frank “horny herself”.

Now she has been reassigned to SD’s finance department, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

– Several of our Jewish representatives are very upset, says a source with reference to Fallenkvist’s “holy victory” performance at SD’s election vigil.

full screen Rebecka Fallenkvist. Photo: LOTTE FERNVALL

Accusations of anti-Semitism have been directed at the presenter and newly elected political representative Rebecka Fallenkvist by several Jewish organizations.

An HR case was opened against Fallenkvist after she posted a picture of the book Anne Frank’s diary on Instagram.

“50 pages in and so far Anne Frank has only struck me as immoral. Horniness itself,” she wrote on the post where she included music by the rapper Kanye West, who just a few days earlier had anti-Semitic content deleted from his accounts on Instagram.

Works under the financial manager

Fallenkvist was removed from his post as presenter on SD’s TV channel Riks, but is now back in the heat. According to Aftonbladet’s information, she has been given a new position in the party’s finance department.

– She has been transferred and works in the Riksdag now. She works under finance manager Lena-Karin Lifvenhjelm, says Aftonbladet’s informant.

That she has been reassigned to the chancellery is confirmed by the party.

“As a result of the conversations held through the party’s HR department, Rebecka Fallenkvist will be reassigned to a more appropriate position within the organization’s administrative division where she will assist in the planning of the party’s conference activities,” SD’s press department writes in a statement.

The news must have caused great attention within the Sweden Democrats.

– It’s a hugely bad atmosphere, I met a colleague who was completely teary-eyed. Several of our Jewish representatives are very upset. They have taken very ill of “Helg seger” and that with Anne Frank.

Initiated internal process

The above-mentioned “Helg seger” play was performed by Fallenkvist when she allowed herself to be interviewed by the right-wing populist Samnytt during SD’s election vigil, noticeably drunk.

– So, what a bloody wonderful moment. So, weekend victory. It is a victory weekend for SD, Fallenkvist said during the broadcast.

The similarity between “Helg seger” and the Nazi slogan “Hell seger”, the Swedish translation of “sieg heil”, is unmistakable, and Fallenkvist later apologized for the statement.

When Fallenkvist published the article about Anne Frank and the criticism poured in, she was removed from office.

“We take Rebecka’s insensitive and inappropriate jargon on social media seriously and will initiate an internal process together with our HR department. Rebecka Fallenkvist is out of office while this is going on,” wrote the party’s press department.

Footnote: Aftonbladet has contacted Rebecka Fallenkvist, Riks director Dick Erixon and Lena-Karin Lifvenhjelm for a comment.

full screen Rebecka Fallenkvist. Photo: LOTTE FERNVALL
