Russian local politicians demand Putin’s resignation

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

The basis for the local politicians’ protest is that they have come to the realization that Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine is harming Russia.

– It is clear that it is Putin who started the horrible war. He is the catalyst, says Vitalij Bovar.

Another member who officially demanded Putin’s resignation is Dmitrij Paljuga. He was arrested by police but later released.

– I notice how tired people are of Vladimir Putin now. He has been president for a long time. So far, people have been able to get along with it, but now people are so stressed by his hold on power that everyone wants to do something about it.

According to Bovar, the call has already received a great response and attracted attention in society, both in Russia and abroad. But hardly anyone believes that it would lead to Putin’s resignation, not even the local politicians themselves.

– It is an authoritarian regime, it does not listen to the grassroots, says Bovar.

When SVT Nyheter asks the residents of Saint Petersburg about the call, no one has heard of it. Hear their reactions in the clip above.
