Last minute: President of Ukraine Zelensky announced! Mass grave found in city reclaimed from Russia

Last minute President of Ukraine Zelensky announced Mass grave found

Breaking news… Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy announced that they found a mass grave in the city of Izyum, which they took back from Russia. On the other hand, Russia announced on September 10 that they had withdrawn completely from the city of Izyum. Here are the details…

Days after the war between Russia and Ukraine, which started on February 24, Russian forces had captured the eastern side of the city of Izyum. After days of fighting, the western part of the Donets River, which divided the city into two, was also under the control of the Russian forces. After a counterattack against Russian forces this month, Ukrainian forces regained control of the city.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that they had found a mass grave in the city of Izyum.

Speaking to British Sky News television, a police officer in Izyum said that more than 440 people were found in the mass grave. The official stated that the people in the mass grave died for different reasons.
