Summary of More beautiful life episode 4617 of September 14, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4617 of September 14

In episode 4617 of Plus belle la vie on Tuesday, September 14, 2022, Eric’s efforts pay off and Simon finally wakes up.

In episode 4617 of Plus belle la vie from Wednesday September 13 broadcast on France 3, Éric continues to watch over Simon. Norman has regained a taste for life and he is ready to do anything for the man he loves, accompanied by Rose who gives him all the possible tips to carry out his mission even if, ultimately, it is above all the love that guides him. And with success: While Eric tenderly cares for his lover, he moves his fingers and opens his eyes. Eric is overjoyed, but how will Simon feel when he wakes up? And will he keep the after-effects of his accident?

For his part, Baptiste convinces his adjutant to face his fear of the flames to save Justine while he goes to save Emma. The sergeant refuses, before launching all the same, guided by the comforting words of his pupil. Baptiste saves his wife in extremis and his superior saves Justine. The latter is hurt by realizing that her companion has preferred her ex. And the reunion between Emma and Baptiste is passionate, the couple find themselves more in love than ever, united by the fear of losing themselves.

In episode 4617 of Plus belle la vie broadcast on Wednesday September 13 on France 3, Emma is not the only one to come out alive from the house on fire. Vanessa takes the wheel, Romain attached next to her. The young woman is delirious and goes too fast as the rain finally falls on the region. Vidal tries to appease her, but Vanessa persists in her madness, to the point of losing control of the steering wheel and crashing into a tree. Romain wakes up groggy, but Vanessa is still unconscious.
