Jobs, Orlando signs the New Skills Fund decree: one billion euro for the transition challenge

Meeting Rimini unions and Orlando agree we need a pact

(Finance) – The Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Andrea Orlandosigned on decree which regulates the New Skills Fundthe guiding program for the training of workers employed under the National New Skills Plan, reformed, orienting it to support digital and ecological transitions and refinanced with one billion euros.

“This is an objective for which we have worked for a long time in recent months – underlines Minister Orlando – through a path of dialogue with the set off socialwhich represents an important tool to face the challenges of the twin transitions, the digital and ecological one, with an investment in skills and on theirs updateto defend jobs and increase the productivity of companies “.

ANPAL, the National Agency for Active Labor Policies will be responsible for managing the measure and will publish the notice in October that will allow companies to submit their projects. The Decree it is waiting to be signed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
