Will the metro between Utrecht and Nieuwegein ever come?

Will the metro between Utrecht and Nieuwegein ever come

Want to get out of town quickly? Then the Nieuwegeiner takes the car

Many Nieuwegeiners would like to travel by public transport more often, but they still take the car. For a fairly large city – about 63,000 inhabitants – Nieuwegein does not have the fastest public transport connections. If you travel for an hour by public transport, you can often reach that destination quickly from their city center by bicycle.

And that new tram connection is not yet a resounding success, according to residents. So there is work to be done, says responsible alderman Ellie Eggengoor.

“If that line to Utrecht doesn’t get faster, the city will eventually come to a standstill. Too many people going to work by car and therefore a lot of traffic jams, something like this is inevitable in the future. And that while municipalities want to encourage residents to go to their destination by public transport. But then you shouldn’t take too long on that. If we want to expand, public transport has to become faster here.”
