What happens to your body when you don’t have sex for a long time?

What happens to your body when you dont have sex

Dr. According to Earm Chaudry, when someone hasn’t had sex for a while, it’s unlikely that there will be a negative physical side effect. One study showed that men and women who had not had sex in the past year versus men and women who had not had sex for more than five years. The results showed that “Americans who do not have sex report very similar levels of happiness as sexually active people.”

However, Dr. Chaudry points out that there are physical benefits associated with sex. “Sex can make your body release hormones that help lower your blood pressure and lower your stress levels, such as oxytocin and endorphins, known as the “happiness hormone.” says.


Another name is Dr. Shirin Lakhani says, ‘Prolonged absence of sex can cause sexual frustration and suppressed feelings because the hormone changes that occur during sex and orgasm do not occur. “It’s more common in men,” he says.


Research has also shown that sexual intercourse is more effective at reducing stress than masturbation. This is why people who don’t have sex may feel more stressed than usual. This is because sex increases the levels of endorphins and oxytocin hormones produced by the brain. Oxytocin can balance the effects of the stress-causing hormone cortisol.


Not having sex for a long time can cause women to have problems reaching orgasm over time. Studies show that having sex just twice a week cuts a man’s chances of getting his arteries clogged by half, compared to those who have sex less than once a month.
