rapper Didier Awadi returns with a single inspired by the war in Ukraine

rapper Didier Awadi returns with a single inspired by the

In Senegal, Didier Awadi is back four years after his last album. The musician and rapper released his new single, “Géométrie variable” on Friday evening. A title that is always political and committed, inspired by the war in Ukraine.

With our special correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

It all started with images of African nationals fleeing Ukraine at the start of the conflict: “ When blacks arrived at the borders and they were told no, they weren’t allowed to get on buses or trains and they were kicked out… Some were even beaten “, recount the rapper. In its title, it denounces the unequal treatment of refugees based on the color of their skin.

It is the symbol of a selective indignation of Westerners, according to Didier Awadi.Now that they are living it, they understand what we refugees have been going through for all these years. All these borders, whether maritime, whether in the desert, in ports and airports… But that only confirmed a lack of consideration for the black man. It’s so stupid to say that today in 2022 “, he adds.

After four years of absence, the artist relies on the text, hearts, light music and pan-Africanism, always. So why this silence in recent years? ” Because we had to reinvent ourselves. The music changed and I said to myself, to come back, it was either you do youthism or you try to return to your fundamentals and that is the option I preferred “, he testifies.

► Also to listen: Didier Awadi, Senegalese rapper: “It’s up to us to promote our cultural heritage”

A taste of Didier Awadi’s seventh album, When we refuse, we say no, which will be released on October 15. But before that, Didier Awadi will participate on September 17 in a “pan-African concert for the limitation to two terms of office” organized in Dakar with artists from seven countries of the continent.
