LIST: Exciting facts about your municipal politicians in Östergötland and on Gotland

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They serve the best

The candidates from Linköping have the highest average income of SEK 35,011/month.

The lowest they have in Ydre is SEK 25,757/month.

There are the most women on the lists

The parties in Vadstena have the largest proportion of female candidates, 45 percent.

The parties in Boxholm have the lowest share at 38 percent.

They have the most politically engaged people

Ödeshög has the largest number of political candidates/1000 inhabitants with 25

Norrköping has the lowest number with 2.5

They are the oldest

The politicians in Boxholm have the highest average age at 60

They have the lowest in Norrköping, 52 years.

Politicians work with that

The most common occupational titles on the ballot papers in Östergötland and Gotland are:

  • Pensioners 239
  • Entrepreneur 184
  • Teacher 159
  • Manager/leader 147
  • Nurse/Nurse 109
  • In the feature above, you will hear, for example, which party has the most teenagers, which has the most military personnel among the candidates and which role models the politicians have.
