AAH 2022: a new method of calculation, for whom?

AAH 2022 a new method of calculation for whom

AAH 2022. The disabled adult allowance is changing this year with the introduction of a new method of calculation for couple recipients.

[Mis à jour le 26 janvier 2022 à 10h15] The Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH) is financial assistance granted to certain disabled people, provided that they fulfill certain disability and income criteria. New this year, the calculation of the AAH has evolved with the creation of a standard allowance for the recipients as a couple. This reduction amounts to €5,000 on the income of the non-beneficiary spouse, to which are added €1,400 per dependent child within the meaning of family benefits. This new method of calculation should benefit couples in which the spouse of the disabled person has a modest salary. This standard allowance replaces the old proportional reduction of 20% previously applied.

This year, the amount of the AAH was only very slightly revalued, up to 0.1% on April 1. L’AAH for a person alone and without resources goes from €902.7 at €903.60. In total, 1.2 million people benefit from this social benefit, including 270,000 people in couples. Are you wondering about the conditions of the disabled adult allowance and the steps you need to take to receive it? Linternaute.com answers all your questions.

The amount of the disabled adult allowance varies according to your situation and your income. We summarize the situations that may arise:

  • You are single and destitute: 903.60 euros per month.
  • You receive a pension or an annuity or you work in an ordinary environment: the amount of the AAH corresponds to the difference between the amount of your resources and the amount of the AAH for a single person without resources (i.e. 902.70 euros ). This is the reason why, if the social benefit is granted to you, you must make a quarterly declaration (read below).
  • You are hospitalized, housed in a specialized reception center or imprisoned: financial assistance is paid at the full rate for 60 days. After this period, the amount is reduced to 30%, or 270.81 euros per month. The amount of the AAH is recalculated according to your situation when you leave the establishment.

The fixed reduction of €5,000 provided for by the first paragraph of Article L. 821-3 is applied to income received by the spouse, cohabiting partner or partner bound by a civil solidarity pact which falls under the following categories: (non-exhaustive list). To find the complete list, go to Legifrance website.

  • Income from commercial, craft, liberal or agricultural activities
  • Salaries and wages, pensions, life annuities free of charge and remuneration of managers and partners
  • The guaranteed remuneration paid by the establishment or the work assistance service which hosts it

Currently, the spouse’s income is taken into account to determine eligibility for AAH (see below). Several associations for the defense of the rights of disabled people and feminist associations are calling for the individualization of the AAH, and a petition has exceeded 100,000 signatures. We then speak of “deconjugalization”, the associations believing that the handicap cannot be a given that is shared.

The Senate recently voted in favor of such a measure, but the government remains firmly opposed to it. The Secretary of State for People with Disabilities, Sophie Cluzel, delivered an indictment against the proposal. She affirms that she “comes to question the heart of our principles of solidarity and redistribution”.

In mid-June, the government forced the National Assembly to vote on a revision of the calculation of the disabled adult allowance (AAH) for people in couples, dismissing its “individualization” yet widely supported in the hemicycle and by the associative world. De facto, the income of the spouse will always be taken into account.

To be eligible for the disabled adult allowance, it is necessary to fulfill three conditions relating to age, residence and incapacity. you must be old more than 20 years and reside in France. In addition, you must have a incapacity greater than 80% Where from 50 to 79% correlated with a “substantial and lasting” restriction of access to employment. As a reminder, this rate is assessed by the Commission for the Rights and Autonomy of Persons with Disabilities (CDAPH), according to a scale “for the assessment of the deficiencies and incapacities of persons with disabilities”.

Your income is also studied. The categorical net income – which lists all your income (salaries, property income), less charges and tax allowances – is taken into consideration. Here is a summary of the resource limits not to be exceeded:

Resource ceilings not to be exceeded to receive the allowance
Number of dependent childrenIf you are singleIf you are in a relationship

Note: income dating back two years is taken into account. Do you want to assess your rights to the AAH? This is possible, thanks to the simulator set up by the State services. To view it, click here.

Can you touch AAH while working?

Yes, under certain conditions, you can receive income from a professional activity and receive the disabled adult allowance. However, the conditions are different whether you work in an ordinary environment or in an Establishment and service of help through work, also called Esat.

If you work in an ordinary environment, be aware that the amount of your AAH is calculated according to your earned income, declared quarterly. When you work in Esat, you receive guaranteed remuneration, which is paid by the State, the amount of which varies between 55 and 110% of the hourly minimum wage. Attention, the accumulation must not exceed 100% of the gross minimum wage for 151.67 hours.

What are the steps to take to receive the AAH? How to compile your file?

To apply for a disabled adult allowance, you must download the Cerfa form n° 15692*01, here by clicking on the “Approach” box. Once you have completed it, you must send it to the Departmental House for People with Disabilities (MDPH). The answer must be given within four months. Beyond that, you can consider that your request has been rejected.

When does the payment of the AAH take place? For how long ?

If your file is accepted, the aid is paid to you by the Caf. The duration of payment of the disabled adult allowance varies according to your situation:

  • You have a disability rate greater than or equal to 80% : it is paid for a period between 1 and 10 years. If the beneficiary’s disability is unlikely to change favorably, the duration of the payment can exceed 5 years without exceeding the threshold of 20 years.
  • You have a disability rate between 50% and 79% : the AAH is paid for a period of 1 to 2 years. The duration can be extended to 5 years if the beneficiary’s disability has little chance of changing positively.

Who must make a quarterly declaration of the AAH?

You must file your income statement every three months. with the Caisse des Family allowances when you are a beneficiary of the AAH and work in an ordinary environment. This declaration makes it possible to adjust, if necessary, the amount of the social benefit. The procedure is simple. Here is how you can make your quarterly declaration: either you use Cerfa form 14208*01 that you send to the Caf duly completed, or you declare your resources directly online, in your dedicated personal space on the Caf website.

Can you touch AAH for life?

Yes, since January 2019 it is possible. This provision only concerns people whose disability is unlikely to change. In the absence of stabilization, the allocation of the allowance is reassessed every year.

As a pensioner, you may still be able to receive the disabled adult allowance. Warning, the terms of payment change according to your degree of incapacity. If your degree of incapacity is at least 80%, the amount will be reduced and will intervene in addition to your pension. Did you reach retirement age after January 1, 2017? It will no longer be necessary to apply for a solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) to keep your AAH beyond the legal age. If you have never contributed for your retirement, the disabled adult allowance will be replaced by Aspa. If your disability rate is between 50 and 79%, the solidarity allowance for the elderly takes over when the retirement age comes.

Yes, it is possible, provided you meet the criteria mentioned above. The service-public.fr site makes it clear that the Solidarity labor income is considered as a subsidiary allowance to other benefits. Clearly, the amount of the RSA will be reduced by the amount of the AAH collected.

AAH and Christmas bonus: can I touch it?

Beneficiaries of the AAH cannot benefit from the christmas bonus. This exceptional financial aid, paid a few days before the end of year celebrations, is strictly reserved for people who receive certain social benefits: RSA, ASS, AER and the lump sum bonus for resumption of activity. It will therefore be of no use to contact the bodies responsible for paying the Christmas bonus (Caf, MSA and Pôle emploi).
