Fierce debate on migration: “We must have a strict policy”

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Segregation was one of the topics discussed in SVT’s final debate when the party leaders clashed.

– We have to make demands on those who have come here. You cannot live in Sweden year after year, receive benefits and welfare without adapting, says Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson, who got the first word.

“Need more politics”

But C leader Annie Lööf countered directly:

– Adapt or return, said Jimmie Åkesson. Of course we have to fight segregation and we do that by making demands, she says and continues:

– It is also important to invest in safe living environments and a strong civil society. More policy is needed, active initiatives for small businesses and to break the exclusion of foreign-born women.

V leader Nooshi Dadgostar points out that she has lived in these areas and according to her the answer is housing and jobs.

– We must invest in welfare and not dribble away the debate, she says.

“We must have a strict migration policy”

Magdalena Andersson is asked if Swedish-Somalis should be allowed to live wherever they want, because of the Anderssons statement earlier during the election campaign that she does not want to see any “somalitowns”.

– In my Sweden, we live in mixed societies, because if we are to build a society that sticks together, we have to meet in everyday life, Andersson says.

– But in Sweden, we have had a migration that has not been met with sufficient integration. The result is the segregation that we see and that drives crime. We must have a strict migration policy and we want to limit labor immigration.

Not been “vigilant against Islamism”

The KD leader countered directly and believes that Andersson wants to hide previous failures from S:

– These are tricks that come to hide the fact that S has not succeeded at all in changing the migration policy, says Ebba Busch.

The KD leader also attacked the parties on the left and believes that they have not been “vigilant against Islamism”. Nooshi Dadgostar was quick to comment:

– There is only one party in Sweden’s Riksdag that mixes religion and politics, and that party is over there and is called the Christian Democrats, she says, pointing to Ebba Busch.
