Covid France: , protocol in September, measures in force

Covid France protocol in September measures in force

COVID MEASURES. There are almost no more restrictions in France, while the Covid continues to claim victims. What are the rules that persist at school? For isolation? Contact cases? The mask ? The trips? Update on measures in September 2022.

[Mise à jour le 8 septembre 2022 à 12h49] The circulation of SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the Covid epidemic, slows down for 7 weeks, and is accompanied by a decline in hospital admissions nationwide, says Public health France in its September 1 weekly report. However, the decline seems to be slowing down, is this a sign of an 8th wave in the fall ? The state of health emergency ended on August 1 last. The health pass and the wearing of the mandatory mask are no longer in effect. However, “the virus is not dead“, insisted Olivier Véran, spokesperson for the government, invited on Sunday August 28 on BFM Politique. For the back to school, no more protocol at work or at school. the Ministry of Education established, in connection with the health authorities, a graduation including a pedestal of measures and three protocol levels (green, orange, red). For September it is the “base” level that will be in force so no restrictions for students (no mask, no distance…) and face-to-face course for all levels.

What are the Covid measures in September?

After validation by the Constitutional Council, the law ending the exceptional regimes created during the Covid pandemic was promulgated on July 31, 2022. Thus, since August 1, 2022:

  • End of the health pass obligation in places where it could still be required (hospital, EHPAD, etc.)
  • End of the obligation to wear a mask
  • End of possible use of confinement and curfew
  • Dissolution of the Covid-19 Scientific Council replaced by a “Committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks”, placed under the ministers of health and research.

► Measures that persist or are in force:

  • Screening of people who are contacts and/or who show symptoms Covid.
  • Isolation for positive people at Covid.
  • Travel health certificate. The government can request a negative screening test on boarding towards French territory and for overseas travel. This border test may be required until March 31, 2023 for people over 12 years of age before boarding for French territory in the event of the appearance of a dangerous variant in a country, or in the event of a dangerous variant, it may apply to travelers from overseas territories, or to these regions in the event of a risk of saturation of the local hospital system.
  • Prolonged epidemic follow-up. Epidemic monitoring tools remain in place: SI-DEPthe national screening information system which centralizes all test results, is extended until June 30, 2023, and Covid contact, which provides follow-up and support for infected people and their contact cases, is extended until January 31, 2023.

What are the Covid measures at school for the 2022-2023 school year?

To the back to school, no more protocol at work or at school. the Ministry of Education established, in connection with the health authorities, a graduation including a pedestal of measures and three protocol levels (green, orange, red). For September it is the “base” level that will be in force so no restrictions for students (no mask, no distance…) and face-to-face course for all levels.

Sanitary measures at school for September 2022 © Ministry of National Education

What are the measures regarding the 4th dose of Covid vaccine?

The second booster dose is opened:

  • immunocompromised people, people aged 80 and over as well as all residents of nursing homes and USLDs who have received their booster dose for more than three months.
  • adults aged 18 to 60 identified as being at risk of a severe form of Covid-19, pregnant women from the first trimester of pregnancy, and people living in the vicinity or in regular contact with vulnerable or immunocompromised people as well as to nursing staff.

What are the measures regarding the mask?

Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in any place in France: nor in the hospitals (except Paris AP-HP hospitals which maintain the wearing of masks in their establishments) or in nursing homes, nor in maritime, river, land and air transport. However, there remains strongly recommended :

  • in closed and crowded places and public transport (metro, train, bus, plane, etc.);
  • in large gatherings, including outdoors, for people who are fragile due to their age or their pathologies;
  • in the presence of elderly, immunocompromised or chronically ill people;
  • for fragile people (elderly or immunocompromised…).

It is moreover strongly recommended in hospitals and for the elderly. And in the event of symptoms and up to 7 days in the event of contact status at risk or on release from isolation.

What are the isolation measures?

For positive people with a complete and up-to-date vaccination schedule and for children under 12 years old : isolation is for a period of 7 (full) days from the date of onset of symptoms or the date of the positive test sample.

Diagram of isolation rules in the event of Covid
Diagram of isolation rules in the event of Covid and for contact cases © Ministry of Health and Prevention

A person in contact with a person tested positive for Covid-19 must be notified by the positive case or by Health Insurance (by SMS or by telephone). There is more isolation instructions for contact cases and the test instructions are identical regardless of your vaccination status. The contact case must perform a screening test (RT-PCR or antigen test or self-test) 2 days after being notified by Health Insurance or by the positive person.


  • March 14: end of the vaccination pass
  • March 21: end of isolation for contact cases
  • April 7: opening of the 4th dose of Covid vaccine to over 60s
  • July 31: end of the state of health emergency in France (end of the health pass, end of the compulsory mask)


Covid-19: International travel, Ministry of the Interior.

