Third Pillar – International supports “International Project for Guaranteed Mobility”

Third Pillar International supports International Project for Guaranteed Mobility

(Finance) – Four cities, four regions, four special vehicles available to citizens free of charge for the next 3 years to allow all people to move freely on the territory to actively participate in the life of society and cultivate their relationships, without any barrier related to disability, age or other frailty conditions. This is the purpose that I am with Onlus, in collaboration with PMG Italia Società Benefit, aims to achieve through its projects, which promote forms of autonomy and social integration in favor of people with disabilities and frailties in general.

The International Project for Guaranteed Mobility – the note clarifies – made possible “thanks to the fundamental contribution of the Third Pillar Foundation – International, chaired by Emmanuele FM Emanuele, che has always promoted and supports initiatives of solidarity and social utility with particular regard to the subjects most deserving of support, in particular provides for the supply on free loan of four vehicles equipped with electric lifting platforms to as many associations operating on the national territory, essential for the accompaniment of people with disabilities and frailty in general.

“Today, here in Naples, we inaugurate the International Project for Guaranteed Mobility, promoted by the Io Sto Con Onlus Association in collaboration with PMG Italia Società Benefit and supported, by my firm will, by the Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale Foundation which I have the honor to preside. Four cities, four regions, four special vehicles, which are made available to citizens free of charge for the next 3 years, through as many associations operating in the area, and which will guarantee people with serious walking difficulties the possibility of moving easily – in the best conditions for their well-being and safety – in order to be able to undergo the necessary medical examinations and therapies, as well as to provide to other fundamental needs. This is an important project, which aims to promote essential forms of autonomy and inclusion for individuals with disabilities and frailty in general, and which therefore is fully engaged in the commitment that the Foundation has always made, on my precise impulse, to in favor of aid to the less fortunate and the social integration of disadvantaged categories, with the aim of actively contributing to the creation of a more open and inclusive society: a dutiful act on the part of that private social sector (the “Third Pillar”, in fact , as I like to call it) always attentive to the needs of the most fragile categories, which the Foundation effectively represents and whose requests it will continue to be the privileged spokesperson for in the future “, underlines Emmanuele FM Emanuele, President of the Third Pillar Foundation – International.

“We are very proud of the relationship established with the Third Pillar Foundation – International, which adds value and prestige to our projects. The ‘Benefit’ dimension was already in our DNA even before the legal transformation; now we feel a further sense of responsibility towards our stakeholders, in particular citizens and communities who are increasingly sensitive to the needs of the most vulnerable people. Projects like this allow us to focus more and more on rendering useful services to the most disadvantaged people “, he says Marco Accorsi, Vice President of PMG Italia Benefit Company.

“Today it is increasingly necessary to identify tools to improve the use of services by those with a disability, whatever it is, which limits their active participation in the life of society and consequently enrich society itself, also in terms of values ​​guaranteeing full autonomy and equal social dignity to all citizens. The collaboration with the Terzo Pilastro Foundation allows Io Sto Con Onlus to open up to new territories and new collaborations with the world of volunteering on the national territory. we hope it will bring us constant growth, in favor of the most fragile people in the area, this is the comment of Marco MazzoniI’m With Onlus.

Thanks to the support of Third Pillar Foundation – Internationalthe associations benefiting from the vehicles will be able to carry out free, spot and continuous accompanying services, to allow the most vulnerable people to access medical examinations, therapies, attend day centers, carry out recreational, work, educational and socialization activities thus guaranteeing the highest level possible autonomy and integration.

This morning the delivery of the first vehicle at the headquarters of the association A Ruota Linera Onlus in Naples, in the presence of the Councilor for Welfare of the Municipality of Naples, Luca Trapanese.

In the next few days, the additional vehicles will be delivered to ANFFAS Avezzano, AUSER Cosenza and an association operating in the territory of the city of Bologna, still in the process of being identified.
