Doctors worried about health of Queen Elizabeth, 96 – remains under medical supervision

Doctors worried about health of Queen Elizabeth 96 remains

Doctors have advised the Queen to rest as they are worried about her health. The Queen’s children have traveled to their mother.

15:07•Updated 16:00

Doctors are concerned about Queen Elizabeth’s health and have recommended that the 96-year-old queen remain under medical observation, says Buckingham Palace in its press release. The issue was reported by, among others, the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC (switch to another service) and Reuters news agency.

The Queen is currently at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. His next of kin have been told about the situation.

According to Reuters, the prince Charles, princess Anne and princes Andrew and Edward are with him. Also the Duke of Cambridge, or Prince William has arrived at Balmoral Castle.

The Queen was forced to cancel a planned remote meeting with her advisers on Wednesday after doctors advised her to rest.

On Tuesday, he was appointing Liz Trussia As the new Prime Minister of Britain at Balmoral Castle.

Truss tweeted on Thursday, shortly after the announcement from Buckingham Palace, that the Queen’s health is causing deep concern.

– The whole country will be deeply concerned by the news that came out of Buckingham Palace at lunchtime, Truss wrote on Twitter.

“My thoughts – and the thoughts of people across Britain – are with Her Majesty the Queen and her family.
