Demands answers about support for young people: “It’s our future”

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In the past four years, Anna Linde and her daughter have seen ten different doctors. The question she asks the two Prime Minister candidates is:

What is required for children and young people to receive the support and help they are entitled to?

Magdalena Andersson (S) talks about the need to increase the status of the profession in order for people to continue working within BUP. She also mentions that it is about resources and that you have to be prepared to pay taxes so that wages and working conditions are improved.

Ulf Kristersson (M) points out that the time limits must be kept at BUP, just like with other care. He says there must be a statutory 30-day limit in care guarantee for children and youth psychiatry.

– If almost all regions have the same problem, then it’s a system error, says Ulf Kristersson and is agreed by Magdalena Andersson.

After the answers: I think the daughter is worried

Anna Linde is not satisfied with the answers from the Prime Minister candidates. She says she thinks her daughter, who is sitting watching TV, is worried.

– It is her future, our future, says Anna Linde.

– She dreams of becoming an ambulance nurse, but without support she will not succeed.
