Jean-Marc Kabund’s trial begins before the Court of Cassation

Jean Marc Kabunds trial begins before the Court of Cassation

The former first vice-president of the National Assembly was charged, among other things, with insulting the head of state. Officially under house arrest, the former president of the presidential party has never left Makala central prison where he has been detained since August 12. His party denounces an arbitrary arrest. Recall of facts.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

The Alliance for Change has repeatedly denounced ” a denial of justice and does not understand why this prolonged detention when the decision to house arrest had been taken.

As a reminder, the offending remarks were made on July 18 during a press conference.

He had denounced clientelism and large-scale corruption in institutions » as well as the desacralization of the parliament animated, according to him, by « political clowns “. Very harsh words that he reiterated against others close to the current power.

To read also: DRC: opponent Jean-Marc Kabund placed under house arrest

He also did not go with a dead hand when speaking of Félix Tshisekedi described as “ incompetent ” and of ” danger at the top of the state “.

Several charges weigh on the former leader of the presidential party who went into the opposition. He was charged in particular with contempt of Parliament, contempt of the government, offenses against the head of state and spreading false rumors.

Despite his legal setbacks, Jean-Marc Kabund has announced that he will be a candidate for the next presidential election in 2023. His party, which is not yet recognized by the State, has announced a campaign to recruit members from across the country.

To read also: DRC: Jean-Marc Kabund’s trial set for September 5
