L’solar energy can be used directly by humans for lighting (Windowsskylights), heating and cooking (solar water heater, solar oven) or to produce electricity through photovoltaic panels.
Practically inexhaustible, the sun’s energy is an abundant source on planet Earth and the processes for harvesting it are well known. During this interview, Jean-Luc Wingert, consulting engineer in energy and environment, explains the challenges and technical solutions for a future where solar energy would become a major resource. © Futura-Sciences
Indirectly, solar energy is also the source of most renewable energies and hydrocarbons fossils. She is in fact responsible for the implementation of movement of the masses water (marine energies) andair (wind energy), the water cycle (hydraulic energy) and the photosynthesis (biomass and hydrocarbons). Only three types of energy do not derive from solar energy:
the potential of this source of energy is therefore immense.
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