African Climate Week ends in Gabon

African Climate Week ends in Gabon

Friday ended in Gabon the African Climate Week which was launched on Monday and which mobilized more than 2,000 representatives of governments, NGOs and civil society from around fifty countries. For a week, nearly 200 workshops were organized to imagine solutions against climate change. It was also a question of discussing the African position for the next COP that Egypt will host in November.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves Laurent Goma

African countries unanimously recognized that the next COP should not be a meeting of promises but rather that it was time for action.

Honoré Tabuna, responsible for the environment in the 12 member countries of ECCAS, the Economic Community of Central African States. ” We have thought too much, it is time to take action. That Africa is no longer there to wait, to listen to promises. Stocks are what we want. The implementation of solutions to meet the expectations of suffering populations. As solutions for example: how to finance programs on floods, on drought, on agriculture? This is what the people want: whether it is a COP of actions, a COP of solutions, a COP of the people. »

During this African Climate Week, it was recalled that Africa, with only 3% of greenhouse gas emissions, is nevertheless severely affected by the effects of climate change. Africans therefore want industrialized countries to change their economic model in order to reduce global warming.
