Ubisoft Forward: Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be presented at the conference

Ubisoft Forward Assassins Creed Mirage will be presented at the

Absent from the summer video game celebrations, Ubisoft invites us to discover the extent of its projects during the Ubisoft Forward. This conference will offer us (among other things) to discover the new Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

[Mis à jour le 02 septembre à 12h39] The Summer Game Fest and Gamescom 2022 had the common point of presenting us with a lot of new titles, but very few Ubisoft games. The French publisher and developer has reserved its announcements for its own events, a Skull and Bones presentation evening for example, and the next Ubisoft Forward. And it is the second which is at the heart of the news today, because we are beginning to discover the program. This evening event will be broadcast live on Youtube and Twitch, and will offer us to discover all the studio’s next projects. Including a certain Assassin’s Creed Mirage. We tell you everything.

If you want to watch Ubisoft’s announcements live during this evening event, go to the page Youtube official account of Ubisoft, or on their account Twitch the Saturday, September 10 at 9 p.m.. We will offer you to watch the conference live directly on this page, below, when the time comes.

For the moment, no official program has been revealed for this conference evening, but we already know some of its content. Indeed, with the 15th anniversary of the Assassin’s Creed license approaching, it’s hard to imagine an evening without our famous parkour and hood enthusiasts. Moreover, Ubisoft has officially announced the upcoming release ofAssassin’s Creed Mirageconfirming many rumors about his imminent appearance.

The game should send us to the Middle East in the shoes of Basim Ibn Ishaq, one of the characters from the latest Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. For now, Ubisoft has the most juicy information for its conference, but many rumors claim that the game will take many elements from the original Assassin’s Creed formula, such as eagle vision, an open-world more limited and more story-driven quests. The license therefore seems to be refocusing on what has made its strength, and above all to move away from the open-world RPG pitfalls which have greatly handicapped its previous titles. As for a confirmation of these rumors, it will be necessary to wait until Saturday 9 p.m. to be fixed.

As for other games, we can also wait for news of the next one. Mario + Rabbids 2 Sparks of Hopebut also of Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated next release from Ubisoft. It must be said that the game has been in the drawers of the studio since 2014, and that its original concept of naval battles during the golden age of piracy is enough to make the most filibusters among us dream. If you want to learn more about Skull and Bones, you can also check out our article, just below.

Find all the announcements from Ubisoft and the next Assassin’s Creed Mirage, on Saturday September 10 at 9 p.m. during the Ubisoft Forward.
