Dexia Crediop, net loss for the half year of -31.8 million

Mega Cap tech giants account for 44 of the capitalization

(Finance) – Dexia Crediop closed the first semester with a net loss of -31.8 million euros, compared to an adjusted result of -12.1 million euros in the same period of 2021.

The brokerage margin it is negative and is equal to – € 16.2 million (- € 41.3 million in the first half of 2021). The interest margin, including income and similar charges, is negative and equal to -14.9 million euro compared to -10.5 million euro of the previous year. The commissions net are negative and amount to -2.2 million euros compared to -20.6 million euros for the year
previous one.

The reduction of balance sheet assets of Dexia Crediop which at the end of the first half of 2022 amounts to 8.8 billion euro down by 1.4 billion compared to the end of 2021 (-14%).
