Action MMO on Steam mixes brutal swordplay with strategy

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Conqueror’s Blade combines brutal sword fighting with strategy. In the latest update, the action MMO takes you to the Colosseum as gladiators – it will be released on September 1st.

What kind of game is this? The action MMO Conqueror’s Blade combines brutal sword fights like in Chivalry, Mordhau or For Honor with elements from strategy games like Total War.

In battle you control your commander, with various skills and weapons available to you. In addition, you command soldiers whose deployment can decide between victory and defeat.

MeinMMO editor Jürgen Horn tested Conqueror’s Blade and summarized all the important information and his impressions for you:

Is the new medieval MMO Conqueror’s Blade worth it? We played it

New update brings Gladiators

What is the update about? The latest update of Conqueror’s Blade is called “Colosseum” and as the name suggests, it’s about gladiator fights inside a colosseum.

Various eras and cultures have already found their way into Conqueror’s Blade in past updates. Season 7 was all about Vikings, before Season 8 was about the history of China.

The Colosseum update will be released on September 1st, 2022 and will usher in the latest season of the action MMO. This is the biggest update to Conqueror’s Blade in a long time.

We also include the impressive trailer for the update:

Conqueror’s Blade: Colosseum – Cinematic Trailer

New mode takes gladiators to the coliseum

What’s included in the update? Two highlights stand out among the new content coming with the Colosseum update:

  • 3 new units
  • the new mode “Colosseum”
  • These are the new units: Conqueror’s Blade receives three new units, with different ratings and weapons:

  • Dimachaeri: 3-Star Rating, 2-Sword Melee Infantry (Available September 1st)
  • Myrmillones: 4-Star Rating, Melee Infantry with Shield (Available September 12th)
  • Retiarii: 5-Star Rating, Melee Infantry with Trident (Available October 3rd)
  • This is the new mode: In the new mode “Colosseum” you fight with 11 other players. A 6v6 is played, with only groups of up to three players being able to participate.

    The two teams start with 500 points each and attempt to decimate the opposing team’s score, with capturing the flag reducing one team’s points. If a team runs out of points, they lose the fight, which can otherwise last up to ten minutes.

    If the timer expires without either team having lost all their points, the team with the highest score wins. Also, alongside AI fighters called Gladiators, there is also a boss called “Gladiator Champion”.

    The following game rules must also be observed in the new “Colosseums” mode:

  • Cavalry units cannot be deployed.
  • Each player can deploy one artillery unit.
  • Each player has only two respawns.
  • There is a single neutral supply point in the center of the map.
  • What do you think of the update and the new mode? Does that sound interesting to you? Write it to us here on MeinMMO in the comments!
