Pernigotti passes to JP Morgan, The trade unions: after years a detailed industrial plan and perspective

Pernigotti passes to JP Morgan The trade unions after years

(Finance) – Pernigottithe historic Piedmontese chocolate brand, was acquired by Jp Morgan Asset Management – Global Special Situations Group. As reported by Il Sole24Ore, the two parties involved, Jp Morgan and the Toksoz Group, owner of Pernigotti, have signed a definitive sales contract and the closing of the transaction, which provides for the sale of the entire share package and real estate assets, is expected by the end of September.

The establishment of Novi Ligureafter the closure announced in 2018, aims to reopen immediately in order to be in the running for the next one season Christmas. Pernigotti faced more than two years in the balance: after selling his I&P division engaged in the production and marketing of preparations for artisan ice cream parlors and pastry shops, the company moved in search of an industrial partner until it signed the operation with Jp Morgan.

“After many years a detailed business plan and perspective which enhances the historical Pernigotti brand, relaunches the production of the Novi Ligure plant and protects the employment levels currently in force, with important prospects for training and professional retraining. We therefore welcome positively the acquisition by JP Morgan and the synergy with Walcor explained in the strategic plan presented today, hoping for one of his quick implementation“This is what the trade unions Fai Flai and Uila declared, in a joint note released after the meeting in videoconference with the ministries of Labor and Economic Development, which was attended by representatives of the companies involved and of the Piedmont and Lombardy regions.

“While waiting to carefully evaluate the contents of the plan by the next meeting, scheduled for 12 September, we look forward to one assessment positive also by the Directorate-General of shock absorbers socialfor the extension of the redundancy fund expired on 30 June “, concluded the unions.
