Covid, towards quarantine reduction: new measures under consideration by the Ministry

Covid in the last 24 hours 38095 positives and 210

(Finance) – With the resumption of activities in September, a relaxation of the restrictions for Covid is expected. In fact, he arrived yesterday at Ministry of Health the opinion of the Superior Health Council on a can reduction of the quarantine period 7 to 5 days for asymptomatic positive subjects, with a negative test on the fifth day.

According to Ansa, this would be the orientation that the health authorities are evaluating in these hours on the basis of the trend of the Covid infection curve in Italy. It would also pass from 21 to 15 days on maximum period of isolation in case the positivity to the virus persists.

Meanwhile, it accelerates on the front vaccines to avert a new pandemic wave due to the spread of the new variants. L’European Medicines Agency (Ema) announced yesterday that it has begun to evaluate the authorization request for a version of Comirnaty, Pfizer and Biontech’s covid vaccine, adapted to the original virus and its Omicron BA.4 / 5 subvariants.
