Kiev, Russian bombs on IAEA mission corridors

Ukraine 100 days of war Zelensky Victory will be ours

(Finance) –

“The Russian Federation is deliberately bombing the corridors used by the IAEA mission to reach the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant with the aim of diverting it to the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk “. Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of President Zelensky’s office. Ukrinform reports it.

The same source pointed out that Ukraine’s position has not changed and that the IAEA mission must have access “only through the controlled territory of Ukraine”. The team of technicians from the International Atomic Energy Agency (Aiea) will visit the Ukrainian nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia from Wednesday to Saturday, according to the director of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, according to the Guardian. The mission arrived in Kiev from Vienna last night. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met Rafael Grossi and his delegation before visiting the Zaporizhzhia power plant.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has announced that it has started a counter-offensive in the Kherson region, the south of the country and also this morning the presidency in Kiev speaks of heavy fighting in progress in “almost the entire territory of Kherson”.

Olensky Arestovych, Advisor to President Zelensky, said Ukrainian troops have broken through Russian defenses in several areas of the front near the city of Kherson and are also bombing the ferries that Moscow uses to supply occupied territory on the western bank of the Dnieper River. But he also warned Ukrainians against expecting one quick victory in the south of the country.

But according to the Russian leader in Crimea, Serghei Aksyonov, the counter-offensive it’s a “fake news of Ukrainian propaganda “, and on the contrary the Ukrainians are suffering “extreme losses in the south and in all other areas, but they have to show the assets to their western masters. “

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov announced that the Ukrainian army has lost more than 1,200 men in the past 24 hours in his attempt to launch an offensive in the Mikolayev-Krivoi Rog area, a few tens of kilometers north of Kherson, and in other areas.
