diplomatic escalation continues between Tunisia and Morocco

diplomatic escalation continues between Tunisia and Morocco

After withdrawing its ambassador from Tunis as a sign of protest at the invitation of the leader of the Polisario Front Brahim Ghali to the Japan-Africa Economic Forum which has just taken place, Rabat multiplies gestures of discontent and hostile positions. Sectors of civil society close to the authorities are getting involved and criticizing Tunisia.

Moroccan volleyball clubs will not participate in the Arab championship or the African club championship, two competitions which will take place in Tunis next September and October.

The Morocco does not digest that President Kaïs Saïed was himself at the airport to personally receive Brahim Ghali, the leader of the Polisario Front, and roll out the red carpet for him. This invitation is in fact the straw that broke the camel’s back. In Rabat, it is considered that since the arrival of Kaïs Saïed in power, Tunisian policy on Western Sahara has changed. Tunisia is clearly under Algerian pressure, it is thought in Rabat.

During the last 48 hours, the union of magistrates, lawyers, the press and the Union of Moroccan writers, to name a few, have denounced the Tunisian gesture in press releases. A ” diplomatic stupidity ” thus denounces the press release of the Union of Writers. As for social networks, they are unleashed, and some are even calling for a boycott of Tunisian products.

In Tunisia, the press union regrets ” the smear campaign that the Moroccan media are waging against the Tunisian population and institutions “. Several political parties criticize the position of Kaïs Saïed who, according to them, renounced the principle of ” positive neutrality with regard to Western Sahara, an official position adopted for decades. Others defend the president, saying Tunisia’s position is that of the United Nations.

Since the speech of King Mohamed VI on August 20 during which he affirmed that the Sahara issue is “ the prism through which Morocco views its international environment Rabat has hardened its positions with its neighbors and allies on this issue, it is demanding a clear position from them on the issue.
