Ebba Busch saw Fredrik Reinfeldt: “Was wrong”

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Ebba Busch (KD) saw former Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M) in SVT’s party leader hearing.


– He was wrong, says Ebba Busch.

It was during the hearing on nuclear power that Ebba Busch first praised Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister 2006–2014, for the line of work.

Then he got the boot in two other policy areas.

– Reinfeldt was wrong about migration and he was wrong about the importance of nuclear power going forward, says Busch.

The program leaders then countered that the then Alliance government – ​​consisting of M, L, KD and C – previously pushed through proposals to phase out nuclear power. After eight years in government, Ringhals 1 and 2 were closed in 2015.

SVT: KD was in the government then?

– Correct and they also doped the wind power with the electricity certificates, says Busch.

SVT: “Man” you say – it was you who did it, right?

– I take full responsibility for the decisions we made then but can also state that when you as a politician say that “now we are going to point a” and instead end up at point b, then you must be able to be humble enough to say that “it it didn’t turn out well here,” says Busch.

The party leader emphasizes in this context that she only took office as KD leader in 2015.
