This 66-year-old Frenchwoman was voted the most beautiful grandmother in the world

This 66 year old Frenchwoman was voted the most beautiful grandmother in

At 66, Yasmina Rossi is resplendent and radiant. So much so that she was voted the most beautiful grandmother in the world in 2018. Discover her secrets of youth.

Beauty has no age and if there is one who has understood it, it is Yasmina Rossi. Four years ago, this 66-year-old Frenchwoman received a prize: that of the most beautiful grandmother in the world. The reason ? She sports a perfect face and figure, despite her advanced age. Very active on Instagram, the grandmother with 56,000 subscribers has something to make the youngest of us jealous. And for good reason, she regularly shares photos of her natural physique.

Yasmina Rossi, beautiful without surgery

While anti-aging is a business that generates billions of euros and cosmetic surgery has become commonplace, Yasmina Rossi advocates naturalness. With her long silver hair, her white teeth and her toned body, she proves that going under the knife is not mandatory to maintain her beauty. The seductive sexagenarian would not be a big fan of makeup either. She is simply one of those people who assume their age. As a senior model, she shakes up feminine codes. If the dictates of modeling usually leave grandmothers at the door, Yasmina Rossi continues to pose. In 30 years of career, she has been the face of many brands and it is not ready to stop.

Natural anti-aging secrets

Growing old and staying beautiful doesn’t happen without a healthy lifestyle. Yasmina Rossi’s ritual? Drink a glass of hot water with lemon every morning. She also claims not to consume processed foods, sugary or alcoholic drinks since her menopause. To fill up on vitamins, the model from Corsica eats a lawyer a day. In addition to having a balanced diet, she practices yoga and meditation. On the beauty routine side, she simply maintains her tan under the Californian sun, where she has now lived for several years.
