The Danish Prime Minister said that the number of wind farms in the Baltic Sea will be greatly increased

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The prime ministers of the Nordic and Baltic countries have met today in Denmark to discuss the energy crisis caused by Russia’s war of aggression. It has been decided to increase the share of clean energy and especially wind power.

17:25•Updated 18:52

– The green transition must be accelerated, summed up the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen After the meeting of the leaders of the Baltic Sea countries.

Due to the sanctions, we have to get rid of Russia’s fossil energy sources, and climate change also requires radical measures. Instead, the meeting raised renewable energy sources, especially wind power.

– We have decided to increase offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea area sevenfold by 2030, which is more than the current capacity of offshore wind farms in the entire EU, announced Prime Minister Fredriksen.

In addition to the Nordic and Baltic countries, Denmark had also invited the leaders of Germany and Poland to the meeting. The energy ministers also participated in the meeting, as did the president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

Also the Prime Minister Sanna Marin attended the meeting. He also emphasized that Russia’s dependence on fossil fuels must be ended as quickly as possible.

– We can do a lot together to strengthen energy security by increasing the production of renewable energy and the connections of the countries’ electricity grids, said Marin.

The meeting was organized in Marienborg, the official residence of the Danish Prime Minister, on the outskirts of Copenhagen.

The Danish parliament has, among other things, launched wind farm projects called energy islands. The most significant of these is the construction of an artificial island in the North Sea. A large wind power production center is planned for the island.

The production capacity of the wind farm, also called Tuulisaari, will be at least three gigawatts, but the production potential has been promised up to 10 gigawatts. The figure is large, because, for example, the total capacity of wind power in Finland was around 3.2 gigawatts at the end of last year, according to the state’s sustainable development company Motiva.

Another of the so-called energy islands will be placed in Bornholm. In addition to Denmark, Bornholm is also supposed to produce electricity for at least Germany, and Denmark’s goal is anyway to export energy abroad.
