Last minute: His supporters had united the country! Critical development in Iraq: As-Sadr bids farewell

Last minute His supporters had united the country Critical development

Breaking news: Muqtada es-Sadr bids farewell to politics! Shiite religious and political leader Sadr called for the dissolution of the parliament and holding early elections on 3 August, and then repeated his call and demanded the dissolution of the Parliament with the intervention of the judiciary. Muqtada es-Sadr made a move that could change the turmoil in the country. Es-Sadr announced his complete withdrawal from politics.


Shiite religious and political leader Sadr said in a statement on his social media account, “I declare that I have quit political work and withdrawn completely from politics. I have decided to close all institutions except my father’s tomb, the historical monument institution and the Sadr family museum.” used the phrase.


In his statement, Sadr also criticized Ayatollah Kazim al-Hairi, one of the Iraqi Shiite religious authorities, who resides in Iran and announced that he “ended his duty as an authority” yesterday, and argued that Hairi did not take the decision to withdraw from the authority of his own will.

There are political, economic and military institutions in Iraq, especially the Politburo affiliated to Sadr.



The Shiite political and religious leader Muqtada al-Sadr, who won the October 2021 elections in Iraq, withdrew from politics when he could not form a government. The task of forming a government after Sadr had passed to its rival, the Coordination Framework.

The Coordination Framework announced on 25 July that it had chosen former Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Mohammed Shia Sudani, as its prime ministerial candidate.


Muqtada es-Sadr supporters entered the parliament building by raiding the Green Zone in the capital Baghdad, where government buildings and foreign mission representations are located, to protest Sudani, the prime minister candidate of the Iran-backed Shiite Coordination Framework. Protesters started an indefinite sit-in at the parliament building.

The Iraqi Ministry of Health announced that more than 100 people, including soldiers and civilians, were injured in the events. (AA)
