international aid is organized in the face of the floods

international aid is organized in the face of the floods

Pakistan, under water, is in a state of national emergency. The death toll from the floods that have hit the country since the monsoon began in mid-June has risen to 1,061. According to the authorities, 33 million people are affected, almost one inhabitant in seven. The country, which is facing a serious economic crisis, has appealed for international aid.

With our regional correspondent, Sonia Ghezali

Planes loaded with humanitarian aid from the United Arab Emirates have begun to land at the Nur Khan airbase south of Islamabad.

Pakistani authorities overwhelmed by the scale of the destruction and by the number of homeless and destitute victims, appealed for help from the international community on Friday. Several countries such as France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Canada and the United Kingdom have already announced that they would send funds. Pope Francis also called for “ international cooperation “.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Pakistani government must launch, with the United Nations, an appeal for donations of 160 million dollars.

The demographic giant, which is mired in a serious economic crisis, is currently negotiating a rescue plan with the IMF. Pakistani authorities have called on business leaders to join in the national effort to help the victims.

A man donated 60 million rupees while a group of businessmen donated 450 million rupees said Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif quoted in the local press. The Prime Minister announced aid of 25,000 rupees or 112 euros for each victim of the floods.

►Also read: Deadly monsoon in Pakistan: concern around the Sukkur dam on the Indus
