Gas flies and agitates the electoral campaign: pressing on Draghi

Gas flies and agitates the electoral campaign pressing on Draghi

(Finance) – The race in the price of gas does not stop which, yesterday, after a calm start of the day and a peak in the second afternoon, in Amsterdam, the reference market for Europe, closed the session at 339 euros per megwatt hour (+ 5% compared to the day before), just below the maximum historic of 341 euros marked less than an hour from the end of the last session of the week.

There Russia, in the meantime, it makes it known that it is ready to supply gas to Europe in the volumes foreseen by the contract if the West does not put it in the hands of the restrictions. This was said by the vice president of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with French TV, writes Tass.
“We are ready to supply gas in volumes which have already been contracted. However, this will certainly depend on the position of Western and European countries. If payments are banned or if the delivery of the repaired turbines or the launch of NordStream 2 is halted, then supplies are likely not to be in the volumes they expect. ”

Meanwhile, the Czech presidency, the rotating presidency of the EU semester “will convene an urgent meeting of energy ministers to discuss specific emergency measures – the President of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala announced on twitter – to address the energy situation “. which could be fixed by mid-September. Contacts between member states on the date and agenda of the meeting are still in progress and from what is learned the official call should arrive at the beginning of next week

The growth in the price of gas is also discharged on the cost of electricity in Italy and affects the electoral campaign in view of the upcoming elections on 25 September with party leaders who say they are ready for a armistice, proposed already a few days ago by the leader of Action Carlo Calenda.

On the bills emergency “the League asks the Draghi Government, which is in charge, to hurry. We asked months ago for a greater investment, a budget variance, they told us no. Now everyone realizes that September and October risk being devastating for families and businesses – he says Matteo Salvini -. If Draghi brings a bill of billions, tens of billions to support families and businesses to the CDM or to Parliament next week, the League vote is assured “.

“The cost of energy is an essential issue for a region rich in businesses like ours, there is a risk of a disaster for families at current prices and for businesses. I was the first to ask the government to intervene and I have news that is preparing a decree “, said the leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi.

“We hope to avert the rationing with all our strength both as a government and as political forces. We as IC have asked for a massive intervention on bills to mitigate their effects on businesses and households. The government will do everything possible and will intervene in an incisive way. But those who caused the government crisis in July should now remain silent, instead of asking the government to intervene “: thus the Foreign Minister and political leader of Luigi Civico Commitment. Di Maio.

“The hikes confirm the urgency of a drastic intervention that places a ceiling fixed on the price of electricity. And the need to double the tax credit for energy to allow the recovery of part of the enormous increases underway. of the country’s estate “, writes the secretary of the Democratic Party on Twitter Enrico Letta.
