Awakening: We got to know the everyday life of care assistants | An economist would give up on stress tests

Awakening We got to know the everyday life of care

We tell the news and topics of the day quickly.

Such is the everyday life of the nursing assistants who are seen as the saviors of the shortage of nurses

It is hoped that care assistants will ease the staff shortage in care homes. Minister of Family and Basic Services Aki Lindén said two weeks ago that care assistants should be trained more. We visited Nokia in Vihnuskodi to get to know the care assistant Minna Parmonen to work.

An economist questions the six percent stress test for mortgages

In Great Britain, mortgage stress tests were abandoned because they were considered to reduce the chances of buying a home. Hypo’s Chief Economist Juhana Brotherus in my opinion, the matter should be discussed in Finland as well. The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority is rooting for the proposal.

Belarus accuses the university of brainwashing young people

The European Humanities University (EHU) operating in Vilnius is special in that it is actually in the wrong country. The university was founded 30 years ago in Belarus, but once a monopoly Alexander Lukashenko tightened its grip, it moved to Lithuania in 2005.

The majority of students are Belarusians, but there are also many Russian students. Five former or current students of the university are political prisoners in Belarus. The Belarusian administration accuses the university of brainwashing young people into Western ideologies, which increases students’ insecurity.

Susijeng’s place in the World Championship was secured

Finland’s national men’s basketball team Susijengi has secured its place in next year’s World Cup as the first in Europe, even though there are still four rounds of qualifying left. The matter got the final seal when Sweden defeated Israel in the further qualification.

Finland has played in the Men’s Basketball World Cup once before, but made it there now by playing for the first time. Susijengi appeared at the World Cup level last time as a wild card in Spain in 2014.

At the beginning of the week, it gets colder in the south as well

The heat is receding, and at the beginning of the week it will also cool down in the south. On Monday, there will still be clouds in the south and there will be thunderstorms especially in the morning. There may be some rain showers in the north.

On Tuesday, there will be heavy rain in the central parts of the country. The daytime temperature is mostly between 10 and 15 degrees, in sunny areas in the south almost 20 degrees. A cool northerly wind will blow on Wednesday. There may be some rain in the north and east. The daytime temperature is 10 to 15 degrees.
