Turkey’s statement from Sweden after the pose with PKK rags: NATO negotiations have been difficult

Turkeys statement from Sweden after the pose with PKK rags

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said that NATO negotiations with Turkey became more difficult as 3 deputies of the Left Party shook the so-called rags of the terrorist organization PKK.


Linde, who toured the military unit on Gotland Island, told Aftonbladet newspaper, “The NATO negotiations with Turkey became even more difficult after the Left Party deputies waved the flag of the terrorist organization PKK. The Turkish media constantly brings up this and similar events. According to Swedish laws. We say that this is freedom of expression. But we think that this is a very inappropriate situation for the government.” used the phrases.

Evaluating the first meeting of the Permanent Joint Mechanism held in Vantaa, Finland on 26 August within the scope of the agreement signed by Turkey, Finland and Sweden, Linde said, “The meeting was to be held in Sweden first, it was moved to Finland for some practical reasons. The work done to implement this agreement, which is related to closer cooperation in the fight against terrorism, was reviewed. said.

Evaluating the Swedish Export Credit Board’s (EKN) decision to grant a loan of 3 billion kronor to an infrastructure company in Turkey, Linde stated that this is completely in accordance with the conditions and laws.


Left Party MPs Daniel Riazat, Momodou Malcom Jallow and Lorena Delgado Varas took a photo with cloth pieces symbolizing the terrorist organization YPG/PKK and shared it on social media on July 7 in the city of Visby.

Thereupon, Prime Minister Andersson condemned the Left Party deputies posing with pieces of cloth symbolizing the terrorist organization.

Speaking to Swedish state television SVT, Andersson said that they did not plan to partner with the Left Party, which was shaking the so-called rags of the terrorist organization PKK after the general election to be held on September 11th.

Minister of Justice and Interior, Morgan Johansson, said on his Twitter account that the PKK has the blood of many innocents on its hands and said, “The PKK was recognized as a terrorist organization by the Olof Palme government in 1984.” had used the phrase.

Describing the images of Left Party deputies as “unacceptable”, Johansson called on the party to stop the PKK actions. (AA)
