Bergamo Airport, ACI Europe confirms 3rd level Airport Carbon Accreditation

Bergamo Airport ACI Europe confirms 3rd level Airport Carbon Accreditation

(Finance) – Also for 2022, the SACBO Group has been confirmed by ACI Europeafter a timely verification of the requirements, the third level of accreditation so-called “Optimization” ofAirport Carbon Accreditation.

The certification, in addition to certifying the continuous reduction of the carbon footprint produced by the aeronautical activities and by the services carried out in the airport sector, it testifies to the commitment and actions developed to achieve the objective of reducing CO2 emissions. This level iIt includes the involvement of third partiesor of the stakeholders of the SACBO Group, in actions and initiatives aimed at their participation and in the awareness and sharing of the objective underlying the plan.

The increase to third level of the Airport Carbon Accreditation had been obtained in 2020when, while operating in the period of health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the SACBO Group had continued its commitment to environmental sustainability.
