Protests in India after the release of rapists

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In the country’s capital, New Delhi, hundreds of protesters sang songs in solidarity with the Muslim woman who was raped during the religious riots in the country in 2002. The protesters demand that the leadership in the state of Gujarat reverse the decision.

Similar demonstrations have been held in several other states.

“The whole country should demand an answer directly from the country’s prime minister,” says activist Kavita Krishnan.

The eleven men were convicted in 2008 of rape, murder and unlawful assembly, but were granted parole on August 15 this year.

Over 1,000 were killed

The gang-rape victim, now in her 40s, has recently stated that the decision has left her numb and made her question justice in the country.

During the religious riots in Gujarat in 2002, over 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, were killed. Seven people from the victim’s family, including her three-year-old daughter, were among those killed.

According to officials in the state of Gujarat, the convicted men’s application for parole was granted because they had served more than 14 years in prison, and because those were the rules that applied when they were sentenced. In 2014, the Government of India passed a regulation that prohibits the parole of those convicted of certain types of crimes, such as rape and murder.

Modi accused of meddling

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the head of government in the state of Gujarat in 2002, and state authorities have been accused of allowing or even encouraging the bloody riot. Modi has repeatedly denied allegations that he was involved in the massacre, and the country’s highest court says it has no evidence to prosecute him.

Asiya Qureshi is one of the protesters in New Delhi, and criticizes the Prime Minister.

— Modi gave a speech on August 15 on safety and protection of women in India and on the same day they released the rapists. How am I safe in such a social climate? says Qureshi.
