Torrential rain expected – “traffic will be slow”

Torrential rain expected traffic will be slow

Published: Less than 10 min ago

SMHI warns of torrential rain over the weekend.

A yellow warning is issued below, which may “result in consequences for society”.

– The storm can contribute to flooded roads and thus slower traffic, says meteorologist Mikael Luhr.

Autumn is here. That will be the short summary drawn after last week’s debris and the coming weekend’s rain.

During the weekend, torrential rain will fall in Skaraborg and up towards southern Gävleborg county. Southeastern Norrland, parts of Svealand and northern Götaland are also expected to receive heavy rain.

– The exact location of these showers is still a bit uncertain, and there will be big differences locally in how much rain there is, says Mikael Luhr.

According to the current forecast, up to 30-40 millimeters of rain can be expected in a relatively short time. Thunder may also occur.

Drive carefully

Meteorologist Mikael Luhr warns those who venture into traffic in the areas where the torrential rain is expected to fall.

– When it rains the most, visibility is very poor, so it’s good to be careful in traffic and be prepared that along your route there may be large pools of water in viaducts and depressions.

full screen County pumping in the residential area Hemlingby in Gävle after the heavy downpours on 19 August. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT


There is a risk of basement flooding in the worst affected areas.

SMHI writes that a yellow warning, issued this weekend, can seriously affect particularly sensitive people and groups.

That heavy rain is now expected is due to warm air from the southeast colliding with cool air from the northwest.

– When these air masses collide, the forces are enormous, says Mikael Luhr.

He continues:

– Currently, it looks like the largest amounts will reach Örebro County, the southernmost parts of Dalarna, northernmost Uppland and Gästrikland.
