Her biggest disaster was on her wedding day: she can’t wear a bra, she can’t even take a shower! “It’s like I’m all over the place”

Her biggest disaster was on her wedding day she cant

The 34-year-old woman, who has a rare allergy to the pressure on her skin, continues her life with this fact. The woman, who could not wear tight jeans or a bra, experienced the biggest disaster on her wedding day.

Stephanie Harvey, 34, initially thought she was allergic to latex because she developed an itchy red rash while wearing the material. It turned out that he first noticed his symptoms in the summer of 2020, has a condition called pressure urticaria, which is an allergy to the pressure on his skin.


This means that she has an allergic reaction to basic things like wearing jeans, socks or a bra and can’t even take a shower without having an allergic reaction.

The woman, who had an allergic reaction to her own wedding dress on her wedding day, said she had one of the scariest nights of her life. She can’t wear her wedding ring either because her fingers are starting to collect water.

wedding ring

The unfortunate woman describes her wedding night as follows: ‘My wedding night was terrible. I was covered in hives…I was left with blisters where my wedding ring was also attached. ‘I have to live with it, so the best thing I can do is make other people aware of it so they can notice the symptoms and seek treatment sooner.’


He is also unable to do many daily tasks, such as putting on jeans, taking a shower, carrying his shopping bags from the car, without suffering.


Delayed pressure urticaria is a pressure-induced skin reaction. In the area of ​​the body that is exposed to long-term pressure, urticaria, which manifests itself in the form of swelling and redness, appears after 4-6 hours on the skin.
