Heat wave: which plants do not need watering?

Heat wave which plants do not need watering

The lack of water is felt with the climatic changes of recent years. Periods of heat and heat wave are more and more frequent. Before flowering your garden, adapt the plants and use “camel plants” that will withstand this harsh weather. Here are some heat-resistant plants that do not need water.

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Having a beautiful garden and healthy plants without offering them water, is it possible? In period of heat wavewhich plants will resist in theabsence of water ? Here is a selection of plants that will answer these questions.

Succulents and succulents

Adopt sedums with astonishing green leaves which also exist in shades of purple or houseleeks which will cover all types of situation. For an exotic touch, plant aeoniums, yuccas or some agaves. Succumb to the small starry flowers of the delospermas which contrast with a succulent foliage. These plants will face poor and arid soils. At planting, good drainage will be provided so that they face periods of heat waves and drought. Plant them in pots, dry gardens or rockeries. Play with shape and color leaves to create exotic corners.


Cultivated for their sustainability and their long flowering durationsome perennial plant also have the advantage of withstanding periods of heat wave. Without water, they will continue to grow and bloom or decorate the garden with their foliage. Dare to grow gazanias in warm colors all summer long; of the perennial geraniums with small white, pink, purple or blue flowers with a more or less creeping habit; of the rudbeckias with pompoms of very graphic varied colors; to phormiums with their long, brightly colored leaves. To colonize a low wall, a rockery or a corner of a bed, plant Phlox subulata with small flowers that color flowerbeds; Erigeron karkinskianus or the basket ofsilver (Alissum) with small white flowers. These plants like both in the ground and in pots on a balcony or a terrace.


Very graphic plants with amazing foliage, grow fescues (Festuca) that produce light gray or blue-grey foliage that forms very decorative clumps. Mix them with stipes (stipah) that develop clumps of hair fromangel who dance with wind. The stems will take on magnificent fall hues.

aromatic plants

Faced with a heat wave, the thymes and the rosemary will hold up very well. Whether they are in a corner of the vegetable garden or in a pot, they will spend the summer carefree and their flowering will attract insects pollinators. Complete them withoregano and some savory. Bring a touch of originality with a plant with curry scents, theHelichrysum italicum. You can enjoy it by picking a few leaves or branches to flavor summer grills.

Mediterranean plants

The famous lavender, so present in the Mediterranean basin, is the star of the heat wave. With blue, purple or white flowers, it will bloom all summer, even during heat wave. A safe bet! Palm trees like Trachycarpus where the Chamaerops do not require watering, once in place.

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