recruitment, salaries… Something new for teachers!

recruitment salaries Something new for teachers

NATIONAL EDUCATION REFORM. After Emmanuel Macron, it was Pap Ndiaye, the Minister of National Education, who made new announcements, particularly regarding the recruitment of teachers.

[Mis à jour le 26 août 2022 à 11h15] Exceptional measure for exceptional situation. After Emmanuel Macron’s announcements for National Education and teachers, it was the minister responsible for these issues, Pap Ndiaye, who unveiled new decisions, this Friday, August 26, 2022. The main announcement from the teacher boss concerns recruitment of missing staff. While the profession is facing an unprecedented vocation crisis, an “exceptional tenure competition” will take place in the spring of 2023, announced Jean-Michel Blanquer’s successor. Concretely, this initiative should allow the National Education to officially bring into its fold some of the teachers who are currently only on fixed-term contracts within the organization. While it is usually necessary to wait six years for a contract worker before being able to claim tenure, the government wants to speed up the procedure to overcome the lack of 4,000 teachers identified as the start of the school year approaches.

Thursday, Emmanuel Macron had said that the school was “no longer up to scratch”. He added : “We still have too many unhappy students, too many anxious parents, disillusioned teachers.” The implementation of a new reform must begin on September 8, the date of the National Council for Refoundation. During his speech on Thursday, August 25, he set himself four priorities: improving student training, promoting orientation, favoring professional integration and guaranteeing equal opportunities. In addition to this, Emmanuel Macron announced that teachers’ salaries would be increased. Information confirmed by the Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, Thursday, August 25, on the set of the JT de 20 Heures. Thus, from the start of the 2023 school year, teachers should receive at least 2,000 euros net per month.

Main project of the National Education: the recruitment of teachers. Faced with a real vocational crisis, Emmanuel Macron indicated an increase in the salaries of teachers. None will start their career below 2000 euros net per month, affirmed the President of the Republic. Other salary developments have also been unveiled, based on “additional missions.” Thus, individualized follow-up, supervision or even carrying out “actions that make sense” may be the subject of additional remuneration.

If he wishes to revive desires to become a teacher, Emmanuel Macron also intends to review training, even if it means lowering the level of diploma required at the start, as he stated: “it is clear that we must rethink training of our teachers. We asked for excessive university degrees. We have to assume that people get involved in this profession from the baccalaureate, in this beautiful profession.”

While they had been deleted by the former Minister of National Education of Emmanuel Macron, Jean-Michel Blanquer, mathematics will finally do their thing. back to the common trunk in high school. The Head of State announced their “strengthening” in order to “support fundamental knowledge.” The Élysée resident had already made announcements to this effect in March, noting the drop in the number of students who choose mathematics as an option.

He had already announced it: Emmanuel Macron wants to give more freedom to schools. A promise reiterated this Thursday. “We will not transform the school by yet another curriculum reform, nor simply by more means. We need to change, and philosophy and practices”, he declared, before detailing his thoughts: “the he school must above all be carried by its teachers, on those who make it live on a daily basis, and not only on methods that are too uniform, too imposed from above.” Thus, the President of the Republic intends to allow establishments to carry out projects, individually. To do this, a pedagogical innovation fund of 500 million euros will be put in place so that it is “disbursed as soon as possible”, even if he is aware that not all the establishments will benefit from it: “there are projects which will not work, schools which will not want make projects, projects that will fail: it does not matter at all.”

If the question of the university was not addressed by Emmanuel Macron, the latter however lingered on that of vocational high schools. In his eyes, this course must become a “path by choice and a path of choice” and no longer by default, in particular for students who drop out of the general stream who represent two thirds of the workforce. To this end, the Head of State intends to “better prepare young people for the world of business” with the help of internships which could concern 50% of the students’ timetable, for remuneration “in a correct way”. .
